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"If you are holding my daughter like that you must either be a very close friend or her boyfriend, young man." 


 I know that voice. You see, my if my brother inherited anything from my parents, it has to be their mischievous ways. 

We both jump apart from each other and I see Jin awkwardly shuffling in his place under their hard stare. I sigh and turn towards my parents. I cross my arms and lift my eyebrow, silently warning them not to do what I think they are about to do.

The glint in their eyes is enough for me to know what is to happen. My mom discreetly winks at me and my father silently begs me not to interrupt.


I guess I owe them this. My profession does not allow them these chances a lot and my brother dint really give them any chances. My father's eternal wish was to intimidate a man that I am dating, just like his father-in-law did to him. The least I can do is let him have some fun.

"Ah yes...Hello, I am banta- no. I am Kim SeokJin." He says, bowing low. His voice cracks while speaking and I look away to stifle my laughter. My mom does the same but covers it up with a cough.

"Oh yes. The idol." My dad says, his voice a tone deeper than normal. "I heard you are from a very famous group. Bangtan...what was it?"

"You are very kind with your words, we are not really that famous." Jin says, "It's Bagtan Sonyeondan."

"Hmm...Yes." Dad says, folding his arms trying to look intimidating even though his is like a inch shorter than Jin. "Usually when a boy wants to date a girl, he should ask her parents permission. Is it out of trend now?"

My head shoots up to stare at him with narrowed eyes. Now he is just taking it to an extreme. He knows that we aren't really in a...normal relationship. He knows all about the 'arrangement' Jin's company and mine has come up with. I am about to interrupt when Jin puts a hand on my back and cuts me off. 

"I am sorry. I should have done that." He says and I look up to  him. He is clearly embarrassed as his ears are red but there is a strange determination in his eyes. "Whenever you come to Seoul please do let me know, I would like to take both of you out for a meal."

My dad's eyes light up in the most subtle manner while my mom finally lets out a smile. She rolls her eyes at Dad and pushes past him to reach out to Jin and pull him into a hug. He stumbles a bit as he adjusts his height to my mom's short height and stiffens, clearly not expecting it.

"It's alright sweetheart. Don't be so formal with us. I was looking forward to meet you." She says and pulls back from the hug. "Although I must say, the photos do your face no justice. You look really handsome in reality!"

Jin blushes a deep red and rubs the back of his head. Thankfully manager oppa cuts my mom off from embarrassing him further.

"I am sorry to interrupt but Joohyun-ah." He says, waving his phone at me "The company called. You have to go back to Seoul. You have a schedule tomorrow."

I sighed and looked at my parents, my mouth in a pout. Their act dropped and they cast me a sad smile. It is always like this. Whenever, they want to spend some time with me, I either have a  schedule or am busy. Initially they often used to be upset about it but considering my nature of job and lifestyle, they came to terms with it.

I went ahead and wrapped my arms around my mother. I buried my head in his chest and let out a deep breathe. Her hands immediately came up and rub my back. I look up to my dad and take his hand, squeezing it slightly.

"I am sorry." I simply say, not knowing what else to say.

"Don't be sorry dear." My Mom says, kissing my head, "We understand. Don't worry about your brother, we will stay here with him."

My dad simply nods and pats my head. 

"I'll see you soon, I guess." I say but still doubt when it will be. 

Jin clears his throat behind me. We all turn to look at him. "I have to head to Seoul for my schedule too. We can go together." He says, with his manager and mine behind him talking to each other.

"That would be good." My dad says nodding then asks, "Did you both have dinner?"

"No not yet. We grab something on the way back, I guess." Jin replies, "It was nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Bae. Although I would have liked to meet you in a better situation."

My parents smile at him and agree while he turns to me, "I'll go wait for you in the car." He says, a secret gleam in his eyes. He is  giving me time to talk to my parents before we leave.

"I'll come with you to the car, son." Dad says before walking away. Jin looks alarmed but quickly composes himself and follows dad after throwing me a tight-lipped smile. 

I roll my eyes at my mom who winks at me. "I like him. He is handsome." 

"Let's go. I need to take my bag from the room.", I say, dragging her with me.


I love how my capacity to study for like 6/7 hours a day dropped to a struggling 4 during this quarantine. 

Anyways, hope you guys are having a more entertaining and productive days than mine. (If you're not then welcome to the club!)

I started watching my first cdrama today 'The untamed' and.....just wow. I'm in love.

Have a nice day!!

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