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"Surely, you are not the correct person to say that. After all you are 'married' to that boy. Sengjae, I believe? Yes. I heard that your time of fun is coming to end, are you preparing for the final episode Joy?" He snapped arrogantly, his tone holding an underlined anger.


My eyes widened incredulously as my eyes strayed towards Joy.

At his tone and sudden breach of private life, it affected Joy more that the girl let out. I knew from JooHyun that this topic was a sensitive topic for Joy. She was slowly coming in terms with the reality after allowing herself to drift in her dream world.

Her eyes filled with tears and she slightly turned her head to wipe her tears when she caught site of me and eyes widened. I gave her a small smile and dicreetly showed her my fist in an non-verbal 'hwaiting' sign. She cracked a small smile at that and turned to face back to her group, who were yet to notice me around.

Joohyun was frowning at her container while Seulgi downright excused herself and Joy and marched straight passed me, the later sparing me a smile before following her Unnie.

The sunbae, unaware that he had just hurted a girls feelings, turned to Joohyun and asked, "Irene-ah. I heard you have a free day coming saturday. Let's go see a movie together yeah? I'll book the tickets."

I threw my ice cream, or what was left of it, and fisted my hands, trembling with anger.
Just why did this creep have her schedule details and on what basis can he ask my girlfriend on a date despite knowing that she is dating someone publicaly?  He himself had confirmed it earlier.

I was just about to step forward to re-inform the man exactly who he was dealing with when Jungkook placed a hand on my shoulder, effectively stopping me. "Jin Hyung, why did you throw the ice-cream?" He asked, slightly surprised when my hard gaze landed on him.

"I did not like it." I gave a short reply to which he shrugged and went back to his conversation which was noe joined by Seventeen Mingyu.

She must have heard Jungkook's loud voice because when I turned to look at her, we made eye contact. One look at me and understanding crossed her features that I had heard everything. She gave a nervous glace to her members before turning to me and send a small signal to not get involved. Something which I could not refuse.

"Ah... Sunbae. Actually, JooHyun Unnie has a date with her boyfriend in the weekend..." Yeri said with fake sympathy in her tone. Had I not been staring at her with a smug smile, I would have missed the small wink she sent my way. Smart girl.

The Sunbae looked downright sour at the opportunity lost and now a scowl graced his face. He clicked his tongue in disapproval and said in a rather clipped tone, "I don't think you should see him anymore, JooHyun-ah. I heard he is a talentless fellow who is just dating you to steal your limelight."

At that, all five of us froze. Jungkook clearly heard what had been said and a scary look crossed his features. Yerim had dropped all smiles and was directly scowling at him. Wendy, who had a disconcerned expression on her face till now, had straightened her back clearly shocked at what she heard but my eyes were only at the black haired beauty in front of me who's features were consumed with uncontrolled anger and undeniable annoyance.

"Not that it is any of your business Sunbae, I think your source of information about my boyfriend is as flawed as your personality is. I don't recall us close enough for you to take-forget asking - me to a movie, much less dig and comment on my private life without my permission." She said, eyes blazing, eyebrows arched and her tone stiff as she tried to deliver the words as carefully as possible. "Please do not try to reduce any respect I had as a hoobae for you."

The sunbae looked shocked for a second before he scoffed and excused his insufferable ass away from the girls.

The moment he left, the girls visibly relaxed before slumping their shoulders. Wendy had went ahead to hug Joohyun tightly. She made eye contact with me, still in the hug, and gave me a weary look. I smiled and winked at her, making a small smile appear on her face. A fimilar warmth spread filled me, something which I noticed only happens when she is around.

Jungkook next to me had detached himself from his friends conversation and had turned towards me, a bemused smile on his face.

"Your girl is surely something, Hyung."

I smiled at that. That's right.

My Girl.



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