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[This chapter onwards most of them will be in Jin's POV because having two POV will just spoil the fun. Although, an Irene pov will come when its completely necessary. Thank you!

*ISAC - Idol Star Athletics Championships*

Now, On to the story!]


I looked around, bored as everyone was getting ready for the event to start. We are in the waiting rooms, getting ready for the shoot of ISAC which should be starting very soon. Since I was the first one to get my make-up and hair done, I was left to do with nothing as my phone was drained of its battery.

Namjoon and Jimin were getting their make-up done while the rest of the boys were lazing around the room, trying to keep themselves from dozing off. Taehyung sat next to me with papers covering his face in a pretense of reading some stage instructions. I could not see his face but I was positive that he was sleeping. I could hear him last night being awake till late hours so that he can play some games. 

There is still half an hour before the event was to officially start and I was already tired. We had strict orders from our managers that we were not to leave the waiting room unless we had asked for permission. So, I got up from my seat and went to the other side of room where the managers are huddled around.

"Hyung, can I go out for a while? I'm too bored here" I ask. Perhaps my desperation to get out of the room shows on my face because one of them gets up and beckons me outside, after him.

I smile and shrug on my jacket before stepping out of the room. After a series of greetings fellow artists and giving and receiving warm compliments, I finally made it to a balcony that overlooked the place where the sports events were being arranged.

The balcony was huge so it ample place for people to stand around and talk. As an afterthought, I realise I should have brought Namjoon out here with me. He loved places that had a calm and relaxing aura.

I looked around and saw that like me, many artists are out here to get proper breather before the event starts.

After sometime, I left the balcony and started making my way back to room, Hyung trailing behind me. I smelled coffee on the way so I informed Hyung and took a small detour.

The corridor I had taken was unexpectedly accommodating all the girl-group idols. Inwardly grimacing at the awkwardness that spread throughout the hall as people saw me make my way to the mini cafe that was located at the end of the hallway. My eyes strayed for moment and landed on a door that had the label 'RV' to it.

Ignoring the small, insignificant flutter in my stomach, I made my way through, not sparing it another glance. I successfully made my way to the mini cafe and waited for my order to be ready when I heard voices around the corner and i hid myself behind a banner that was set up of ISAC that completely covered me.

Turns out I was not the only male-idol in this floor. I could recognize that male's voice anywhere, we did meet each other quite often and his was quite easy to recognize.

Assuming he was alone, I was about to make a move to get out of my hiding space before someone embarrassingly catching me, another voice spoke up that made me come to a abrupt halt.

My eyebrows raised when I was successful at identifying the voice I had grown a bit attached to. I did not mean to eavesdrop but since I was already at it, I continued. I leaned back against the wall. I was stuck here, afterall.

"Hello, Irene ssi! It is nice meeting you after so long. " His voice resounded in the hall that lay ahead of the cafe.

"We just met yesterday, Sunbaenim. We had an all artists meet." JooHyun replied, her voice quite stern, that what she used with me, but still soft.

He chuckled and I could see him smiling. "Nothing ever get's past you, does it?"

There was a short pause before he spoke up again. "I had been meaning to ask you this...I don't know if I really should." He trailed off..

"You can ask me, sunbaenim." Came her simple reply.

"Are you- uhm...are you really dating him? I mean- is the article legitimate?" He asked, obviously mustering up enough courage to ask a stupid question.

My eyebrows furrowed into a frown immediately. Why was this man so curious? Apparently she had the same doubt.

"Yes. They are true, Sunbaenim. Can I ask why you are asking me that?" Her tone snipped at the end and it brought a smile to my face. Any other girl idol would not have the guts to talk to an senior like this, especially when someone is digging for personal information. Of course, JooHyun did not fall into that category and that made her more attractive.

"Oh? Ah nothing! Just wanted to know. We seniors have to look after you juniors right? Right. Haha..." He trailed off awkwardly.

I could hear him shuffling in his spot before he suddenly said, "Well I have to go now. Ahh Wendy-ssi hello. Have a nice day." He said before i could hear his footsteps going down the hall, as new footsteps came at a halt next to JooHyun.

"Unnie, are you alright?" Wendy asks and the worry in her tone made me frown.

JooHyun gave out a sigh before not saying anything for a few seconds. "I just feel bad..."She whispers and I have to strain my ears to listen to her.

"Oh unnie...you did nothing wrong. Why do you feel bad?" Wendy asks, her tone apologetic.

"I lied to him Wendy... I shouldn't have done that..I shouldn't have agreed to what I am going to do" she says, her voice tight.

"It was needed, Unnie. He wouldn't understand the situation you were in. I say you speak him after today and clear it out before misunderstandings set in" Wendy's tone being apologetic.

JooHyun sighs before saying, "I just hope he doesn't get mad me for today."

Soon after this the two girls collect their coffee and walk back to their rooms.

I don't know what to make of what I heard. Is JooHyun in some kind of trouble? Who is so scared of disappointing?

My mind confused and a slightly cold coffee in my hand, I stepped out from behind the banner and made my way back to my members.


I was originally planning to upload a few days earlier but I got sidetracked when the trailer dropped. So thanks for waiting, for those who did, and hope to know what you think about the story.

Its going to be 30 chapters soon and I just realized that this one is gonna be more longer than I thought it would be.

Thank you for everyone who reads my book and patiently waits for an update.Slightly re-framing McGonagall's quote, "I will keep writing till there are people who want to read." 😉

" 😉

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