Part 3

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Next morning
Del's POV:
I woke up to see Evan snoring quietly and his face was cute while sleeping, how could I have been so mad at this beautiful man. I giggled as a dirty thought popped into my mind. I got up and sat on top of Evan causing him to groan and causing me to giggle quietly so I wouldn't wake him up, I took mine and his boxers off and I positioned myself and rammed myself into Evan making me gasp and making Evan moan at the tight feeling. Should've already been used to his size but I'm guessing I still need to open up a bit. I started moving my hips and rocking against him making me moan, Evan grunted and was slowly waking up but by the time he woke up he came inside me and I came too. I was panting riding out the orgasmn, I looked at Evan and he looked at me flustered.

"What were you doing Jon?!!"
I smirked.

"Well, I thought I'd surprise you with a wake up call." As I said that he sat up and wrapped his arms around my back and kissed me passionately. I pulled him out of me and was surprised when Evan pushed me down harshly back onto his dick making him pound on me causing me to scream his name out.

"E-EVANN!!" I looked at him and playfully hit his arm. He just laughed his ass off as I was now struggling to get off him as my legs were weakened by what he did. He helped me get up and grabbed some clothes as we made our way to my connected bathroom in my room and we showered together and playing in it as well just to make each other laugh. When we got out we brushed our teeth and got ready and went downstairs. We saw the guys down there and saw that Evan and me were holding hands and I heard Craig (MiniLadd) scream out.

"Finally these two cute but scary couple are back in business and by that I mean NOT FIGHTING!!" I laughed and told him.

"Shut up, I'd like to see you and Tyler (IAMWILDCAT) fight for once and see who cries first and not talk to each other for a minute and then start making out and then coming out fine!" Craig shut up after that and looked at Tyler and glared as Tyler was laughing his ass off. Evan wrapped his arms around me and kissed my neck making me feel relaxed.

"Hey Jon! Can we talk I know the problem on why your— uhh—NIPPLES ARE HURTING." Lui said as he then realized Evan was right there. I looked at him and laughed getting the hint that he knows why all that happened. The guys just laughed and Evan looked at me chuckling.

"Your nipples hurts, babe?" He said trying to compose himself as to contain his laugh.

"Yeah! There's nothing wrong with that, your the main cause my nipples are hurting because you keep biting them oh so good but then the next morning waking up with pain on my tiddies!!" I say catching my breathe as Evan and the guys start laughing and Tyler start coughing as he was the main one dying here. Lui gestured to me and I followed him. We went to a quieter place and I said.

"So, what was the cause?"
Lui look at me and smiled.

"He was hurt because you said you weren't ready for a baby yet and he took it seriously the other time when you were saying stuff about wanting a baby as a joke. Y'know Jon, I think you should just have a baby already, you always talked about having a baby with the love of your life, why not now since your old enough to have a baby and well your already with the love of your life." Lui said smiling. I sighed and said.

"Well, I just feel that I won't be good enough and taking care of kids are not easy but I mean I'm good at taking care of kids and all but-."

"Well that's it!! You know how to take care of kids, your all ready to have one." Lui said cutting me off.

"I know, I really do hate to tell him I don't when obviously I do want to have kids with him. But what if I'm the worst parent ever?" I said tearing up.

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