Quick Note :)

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So, im gonna take a break on writing this story, dont worry i will still keep doing this story, since I only have two more parts to go and then I'm done! I will be doing a creepypasta  one shot though! So be ready for that. Also if you'd like to request anything, now would be a good time, since I'm trying to come up with ideas of what anime and all that GOOD STUFF y'know. But anyways imma be taking a break off this story since I'm actually super stressed, since it's kinda hard to keep up with this Love, Pleasure, Pain story, sorry for the disappointment though. I'm thinking that I might quit writing, sadly, since I don't know what's happening with me recently, lack of sleep and everything, must be also cause I'm on my menstrual (aka "THE BLOODY MARY" which also is called a period.) some can relate, and some don't. I'm actually having back pain and I'm not supposed to have back pain since I'm still young. ( don't worry I'm not in elementary, since, who in the elementary world, writes so good? Lol jk, but I'm no elementary kid people. I'm an independent teen.) I'm gonna start with the creepy pasta make sure to leave a request again! And if you just skipped this, fuck you. Which you probably won't read since who the hell reads an authors not? (ME obviously 🙄) uhm, nothing much to say anymore, but keep doing your homework! And for them middle schoolers too, grades are super important, and be prepared for finals, good luck, even though we are 5 months away from going in summer break? Right? I don't know anymore. Anyways bye guys. Thanks for the support!! Did not expect so much reads, I'd love it if you guys check out my other stories trust me, those are actually my elementary times when I was bored and was a BTS fan, still am! But damn, I grew too fast, I'm already growing bigger boobs than my sister THATS much older than me, well just a year apart that's all, I'm the middle child so I always gotta of stuff that my lazy ass never wants to do, but Mexican dads are strict so, I'm trying not to get in trouble. Anyways bye readers! Have a fabulous night/day!

🔆H2OVanoss🔆 Love, Pleasure, Pain💞 (COMPLETED, finally 😭)Where stories live. Discover now