Part 9 (little smut)

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(Hi guys, I am not that sick anymore, I don't have a fever and I just a small cough that's all, what I meant in Part 8 at the end was that I will unfortunately stop writing this since some stories have to come to an end. But I will say that I'm not gonna stop writing this H2OVanoss Love, Pleasure, Pain, yet, I'm planning on giving this little story up to only two more parts if I can, I know it seems that short but hey! I write and I want to write other stories as well not just this one. Unfortunately I may not finish them quickly due to school that's gonna start in like one more day, which is a pain in the ass if I say, and I am writing this on my phone since my computer is broken. Anyways let's get started.)
(Also little heads up on the twins! A reminder if you forgot, Ik they have long names but hey deal with it I really couldn't decide so I chose them like that?)

1st born: Brodie Axl Dennis Fong- Lion

2nd born minutes later: Jackson Caleb Dennis Fong- Raccoon

*few months later*

Dels POV
It's been amazing the past few months with the twins, me and Evan have gotten to experience new things in life, Evan is still in the gang stuff, he's hoping to have the twins take after him, although I don't agree with him because I don't want to risk losing both of them one day. But, it runs in the family and so far none have died. The pups are about 6 months old. They make my day all the time, they're even getting into the habit of saying mama and dada. (lol what a coincidence my 6 month old brother is also starting to say mama and dada!)

That is Jackson, he looks so much like me as a baby raccoon, and so does Brodie with his fathers lion, their references and facial features always take a tint of ours

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That is Jackson, he looks so much like me as a baby raccoon, and so does Brodie with his fathers lion, their references and facial features always take a tint of ours.

That's Brodie, he's quite bigger than Jackson even if their only 6 months old, Jackson is more like the runt in the family, I have no problem with it since I was the runt in my family, that's part of why they despised me the most, I was small and ...

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That's Brodie, he's quite bigger than Jackson even if their only 6 months old, Jackson is more like the runt in the family, I have no problem with it since I was the runt in my family, that's part of why they despised me the most, I was small and weak, nothing to be proud of, but I'm stronger than ever! Family comes now and then and so does the gang, Lui unfortunately is in the hospital since he's only a day away from having his baby, turn out they were having a baby girl, they were gonna name her, Auravia (A-rave-ia- hint if you don't know how to pronounce it). It sounded kinda goddess-like. I liked the name they gave her, I had a feeling she would grow to actually describe that name, beautiful, Irish for sure, with the eyes of David (Nogla), and liking to go on adventures just like Lui. But who knows what the future has upon us, I just hope it's good.

🔆H2OVanoss🔆 Love, Pleasure, Pain💞 (COMPLETED, finally 😭)Where stories live. Discover now