Part 11 FINALE 😭

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(What is up you guys!!! I'm back ✌🏼😗✌🏼, I know y'all missed me 🥺, I'm playing, no you didn't. 😭 but anyways, yesss, this is the last part of H2OVANOSS- LOVE, PLEASURE, PAIN!!! Enjoy 😊)

-Time skip-

Smii7y and Kryoz, they are together, and happy. We aren't in danger. And everyone's good. Aravia(Nogla's and Lui' bbg), Brodie, and Jackson (our twins), Mikey and Sebastian (Achi's-my sister- Twins) are best friends, they are in high school. (Yep, I went that far on a time skip!) Evan is still in the gang, the twins are now part of it too, I'm still disagreeing with the idea, but if they are still alive, then I'm good.

Brodie and Jackson, brought their mates.
(they are all 100% organically GAY🤡)
They stayed for a while, until they all left, to their own houses, they all lived in a separate house, since our kids are grown up and they can do whatever they want.

"Honey, I'm bored!" Evan said, laying on the bed on his phone.

"Oh, are you? Well what do you wanna do?" I said, sitting on top of his abdomen.

"Hmm, I don't know?" Evan said, with a smile as he wrapped his arms around my hips.
"Why not have fun?"

"What type of fun?" I said, smirking, knowing damn well, I'm finna get (CHILE) destroyed. Evan moved his big hands down to my ass, grasping them tightly in hold. I just giggled.

"Oh, I wanna have fun, by making love to you." Evan said, I leaned down and kissed him in the lips, it resulted in a make out session. I moaned as I felt myself getting a hard on, I, being horny, started rubbing myself against Evan, I purées at the pleasurable yet lonely feeling of not being fully touched.

"Evan, hurry up and fuck me already!" I shouted as I was getting impatient.

"Haha, alright, needy much?" Evan said with a wide smile.


"Evan~" I moaned out as he hit a certain spot.
"Hmmhh! There!!"

"Oh! Damn-your-tight! Woah, that feels good!" Evan said. I felt myself getting near my climax, I felt a knot go on my stomach, I moaned and wrapped my legs tighter on Evan and clenched my ass, feeling myself clenching in Evans bulge.
"Oooo~, Jonathan!"

"I'm close!" I screamed out as I ended up coming all over us. Evan came as well a few seconds later.

"Phew! That was the best one we've done so far." Evan said, I breathed heavily as I lay on his chest hearing his calm heartbeat.

"Mhm~, hey Evan?" I said, Evan hummed.
"What would you do if I told you I was pregnant again?"

"Heh-wait! Your joking!" Evan said, looking at me shocked. I giggled.

"No, I'm not joking, I'm pregnant again." I said. Evan just laughed and hugged me peppering kisses all over my face.

"I love you!" Evan said.

"I love you too, honey!" I said.

"I forgot to ask you something as well, I've been meaning to say something since the twins were babies." Evan said, pulling out a small velvet box. I gasped and got teary eyed.

"E-Evan! Oh my god!" I said, getting up and going on a sitting position on Evans abdomen.

"Jonathan Denis, will you marry me?" Evan said.

"Yes! A thousand times yes!" I said, letting a few small tears out before he wiped them off. He slid the nice diamond rhinestone ring on my finger.

"Did the twins know about you being, y'know, pregnant?" Evan said. I shook my head.

"No, I still haven't told them, I'm planning on telling them, tomorrow." I said.

"Okay, round two?" Evan said, with a questioning look.

"Sure!" I chirped, kissing Evan.

We spent the whole night doing it, not caring about anything at the moment.


The end....

😭😭😭😭 Im so glad I got to finish this, although it's been months! I finally had the urge to do it. I think I'm going to quit writing now, I'm just gonna finish writing some of my books, and then I'm gonna retire, well, I don't know, I might not even quit, I might just not post any stories, unless I feel inspired again.

🔆H2OVanoss🔆 Love, Pleasure, Pain💞 (COMPLETED, finally 😭)Where stories live. Discover now