Another Quick Note!

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Sorry I haven't updated I'm totally stressing out, and it's currently 1:15 am and it's now Monday, I'm being sleep deprived and I'm fucking stressing, but anyways since I told you guys or not I don't fucking remember anything, I made a creepypasta X male reader since not a lot of people do male reader fan fics, I so happen to actually hear about another creepypasta that I never knew existed his name is Smile, he's basically a dog, well he is, it's just that he smiles? I don't know, I wanna make a male wolf reader fanfic, so basically I'm doing 3 books in a row? Wow, I must be multitasking on some stressed and sleep deprived shit! But it's fucking awesome! I'm actually proud of my work for once. Anyways I wanna get a little background information about Smile since I was actually inspired by an author who wrote a story about Smile. I want to actually read more of what she did on her work on Smile dog X male wolf reader I don't know if she discontinued it but so far I haven't seen discontinued on the story or notes, or maybe I'm being a blind person and haven't seen it. I probably am going blind. Well it's not a surprise I used to wear glasses when I was at the age of 5 lol, shocking. Anyways I wanna do some research and get to know this Smile dog creepypasta better, lol it sounds like I'm actually gonna meet him in person, uhm I only found the same picture as she has it as the cover for her smile dog book, so I basically just went along with it and screenshoted it and now imma use it as my cover since I couldn't find a really good picture with Smile and a wolf of some kind. But who knows. Anyways please make sure to check my recent and old books, I'm doing slow updates due to my arm being sore nowadays. And also cause my lack of inspiration is fading and I basically blank out and think of what I want to write about, it's hard to think of a good topic and plot and all y'know, I wanna try my best to make good stories. Someday it'll come to an end where I stop writing stories so I wanna make it fun to write while I still have the love and spirit to write. Uhm so right now it's 1:28 am going on 1:29 am, bye guys again please check out my other stories. Love you guys, thanks for the reads and all. See you guys when I feel much better and actually update faster. I'm gonna take a break on this book for a while and try to fasten the parts on the creepypasta X male reader shit and start making a new story about Smile. Anyways once again thanks for the reads and support, really appreciate it. And peace out!!

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