Part 10 (valentine special)

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valentine special 🤡 since I don't have a valentine. It's not gonna be continuing what I've been writing but...I might start to write more in here since I only need one more part and then this is completed. Thanks for the support though, I've been going through some tough times, family issues, and stress like some of you might know that I stress a lot.
(Jon POV)
I woke up with a yawn. Today was a special day. It was Valentine's Day! I was thinking of what I should get Evan that I didn't even realize the rose petals on the floor with candles leading outside the door, like a path. I followed the path and it led to the kitchen, I saw breakfast with a note on it. I finished the breakfast and read the note:

Good morning love, hope you had a great morning, go to the park where we usually take the kids to play, you'll find a surprise there.

I got up and grabbed the keys to my car, I drove to the park and saw the guys. They had balloons and gifts.

"Hey guys! What's all this for?" I questioned.

"Oh it's just a little surprise from Evan to you, trust me, this isn't even the best one yet." Tyler said.

"Oh alright?" I said. They handed me the balloons and gifts, Lui handed me a note. I read it when I entered the my car:

Go to your parents house, you'll see another surprise there.

I chuckled. 'This guy is crazy.' I went to my parents house and saw my brothers outside my parents house.

"Yo! Wassup!" I said.

"Here." Dallas said.

They handed me roses and a ribbon wrapped around a box.

" the box?" I said.

"You'll find out when you arrive at your designated location."

I was handed a note and read it inside my car on the way to the location that was assigned in the note:

Love, now that you've gone this far, come back home, you'll see the best surprise there. I love you Jonathan Dennis, and I want to spent all my life with you. I'll see you back home love.

I smiled, once I arrived home I saw the twins and Evan all dressed up. I ran up to them and gave each a kiss on the cheek except for Evan I gave him a kiss on the lips.

"So is this the surprise?" I said.

"No, the twins are going to stay with the guys for tonight if you don't mind, today you and I will be having some couple time if you know what I mean~." Evan said.

"You idiot. Alright. It's fine. And I know what you mean, but what happens if I don't give you what you mean?" I smirked.

"Well, you'll see what will happen, it'll be pure of pleasurable screams heard all over the house then." Evan said. I blushed.

"Alright, I'll give you what you want." I said.

"Good, now that this is done, I'll give the twins to the guys." Evan said.

He texted the guys and they came in like 2 minutes! Them bitches are inpatient when they don't get to see the twins, you could say they are twinaholics.

After that was done me and Evan spent the day being lovey dovey until nighttime.

"Soooo~ what do you wanna do?" Evan said, locking his arms on my asscheeks.

"Ah! I don't know, what do you~ wanna do?" I said with a giggle.

"Well, what about I show you?" Evan said.

And that is exactly what he did, he made me be a submissive omega and we had a long night of pleasure.


This is short I know and I'm sorry, I'm still stressing, I get super anxious, just because I'm stressed doesn't mean it'll go away quickly, I'm still stressing, so far I have good grades. I'm improving better. But I'm still stressing, I cannot sleep still, I think imma need medication for that, whats it called? I don't know, but they're sleeping pills, that's what imma need though, but I don't know yet, imma have to ask my doctor about it. Anyways, I will keep all my books on hold for now! Don't worry I'll come back to writing in a few more weeks or months! I don't know, I'm in so much pain right now, since something happened and I'm in deep pain, I don't have a valentines but I at least got stuff for valentines, I'm wondering if you guys got a valentines today. But anyways, take care of yourselves! I don't wanna let you guys down but I'll see what I can do to see if I can motivate myself to write more, if not, I'll maybe stick to the one shots on creepypastas since they are called one shots for a reason. But anyways, thanks for everything. Bye my little slumpers. See you someday.

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