Part 5

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( just put that there cause idk what I'm doing I just realized that I wasn't active for a few days and well I'm taking this
time right now.. let's get going)
-ps it's still Dels POV-
"Yeah I am Jonathan, it's nice meeting you Mrs. Fong! You look quite young and beautiful from someone your age!" I said as she was truly beautiful!! Surprisingly!!
She looked like a model!!! We talked for a while until Mr. Fong introduces himself too, which he, himself also looked young and handsome, no wonder Evan had the good looks, obviously his parents were beautiful and handsome. I wondered when they had Evan so I asked them since I was curious.

"When did you guys have Evan? You guys look quite young." I said.

"We had him when I was 18, we were either ways getting married a year later but we had him, it was unexpected was worth giving birth to him, he's a wonderful child, I have a bunch of pictures of him!!! Oh, especially that one, with Evan butt naked in the bath tub, would you like to see?" Mrs. Fong said making me laugh.

"Mother!!!" Evan said embarrassed.

"I would love too!!" I said. Chuckling as Evan kept declining his mother to not show me the pictures but, it was too late she was going to go and grab the book, Evan ran after her, leaving me with only me and Mr. Fong. It was a pleasant and comfortable awkwardness, but I decided to speak up.

"You guys raised a wonderful and great man! He truly is a good mate and friend, I wonder how it was like when you guys had him, your first born pup." I smiled as Mr. Fong looked at me.

"Yes, he truly is a great and wonderful man, it was like a beautiful and wonderful adventure when he came into our lives, back then, I was cold hearted and not so sweet, I loved his mother so much, when I heard the great news, I stopped and retired for a while from the gang and looked after my only son, he was adorable. My first born child, soon to take over the gang, and now back to the present, he's made such good friends and found his lover, he was also cold hearted like me, but he met you, his light and dream. I wonder when you guys are expecting the child your gonna have." He said chuckling at the end, god his smile and laugh was the same as Evans, we were sitting on the couch, I smiled and also laughed.

"Well, *touches stomach* it's not only one, but two, it's a surprise that I was gonna have two, two grown ass males, are gonna come out into this beautiful but yet cruel world." I said and Mr. Fong well I mean father-in-law looked at me and had wide eyes.

"Two boys!! So their gonna be twins, oh how sweet I'm gonna be a grandpa of two babies! How wonderful." He said as he had tears forming his eyes.

"Would you like to feel them?" I said and he nodded and sat next to me, I grabbed his hand softly and smiled while I put his hand on my stomach where I felt their legs at. As I put the hand of their grandpa they kicked, REALLY FUCKING HARD. Making me kinda groan from the pain and making me chuckle.

"Oooo~, these both are gonna be Alpha's alright!!" I said as Mr. Fong chuckled while wiping his tears.

"Do your parents know about this too." He said with a warm smile, Evan and Mrs. Fong made their way into the living room where we were at, when he said that I stopped smiling and put a sad but small smile.

"Unfortunately, no, they don't, and quite possibly wont ever know, they are not in contact with me anymore it's been years since I last saw them, you see, they were not the best parents, they looked my older brothers more than me and tortured me all day even if I was sleeping or I was unconscious. They eventually broke me and I didn't feel anymore, I was saved by my butler Mr. Garcia who now serves me and the gang. I have an insane side, this is why my face is like this mostly, I went insane the day I got more and full control of my hybrid powers and ended up with this. I'm more like a psychopath and all, I planned on killing my parents that night I was let out to escape, but even if they hurt and pained me in my heart I couldn't because I loved them even for everything they had done, I wrote a letter to them as my final goodbye and then having Mr. Garcia take care of me and run the household of our new home and I found a passion in video games and music but mostly games, I had my career as a singer and now I'm famous as I always dreamed of being. I still wish I was in contact with them, even just for a day, but unfortunately I can't, since I wrote the final goodbye for them, I wrote " I love you guys so much, I would've loved to stay here even for everything, but unfortunately I can't because I cannot take the pain like a real man, I hope you guys love me soon, and wish to meet you guys again, I must leave now before you guys wake up, I love you mama and papa, tell my brothers to take care of you guys!!

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