Part 4

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Next morning
Dels POV.
As I woke up, I felt nauseous again. As I slowly got off the bed and turned around to look at Evan sleeping peacefully, I walked out the door and went downstairs and saw that Lui was in the kitchen, it looked like the rest were still sleeping, of course it was 6 in the morning who would think of them being awake at this time. I walked in and sat on top of the kitchen counter. Saying to Lui.

"Good morning, Lui." As I said that Lui jumped and sighed in relief.

"Morning Delirious!!" Lui said and grabbed a glass of water to drink. I also got a cup of cold sprite and drank it feeling the nauseous feeling still there. I took deep breaths as I felt the sensation going up my throat. As I felt myself gag and throw up a bit on the ground I ran to the bathroom near the kitchen and threw up, as I was throwing up I felt Lui massaging my back, I felt tears build up and I stopped throwing up. I thanked Lui for the comfort and we went back in the kitchen. Lui looked at me and said.

"Hey, you okay? You look really pale right now?! What happened." He said clearly worried about me.

"I don't know, I just feel super sick right now. I don't know what's wrong with me, maybe I have a fever." I said and Lui put his hand on my forehead and cheeks.

"No, you don't have a fever...what did you do last night before you went to bed?" Lui said questioning.

"I went to my room and me and Evan hit it off because he wouldn't stop bothering me at my sisters house, we ended up having sex and that's all, we went to bed after that? Why?" Lui smirked and looked at me.

"Could it be that your pregnant too!!" Lui said excited.

"I don't know, but It's only if we find it out." I said, I told Lui to wait down here while I put on some proper clothes. I put on some green sweatpants with a black shirt and a beanie with the playboy bunny logo on it. As I got to the door of my room I felt a pair of large and big hands wrap around me, hugging me. I smiled and sighed.

"Good morning, Evy Bear!"
Evan just snuggled his face to my neck and took a big breathe in as to smell my scent.

"Good morning, baby" Evan said, groggily as he just woke up.

"Lui and I are going to the store, we'll be back in a bit, is that okay with you, Evan?" I said.

"Yeah it's alright, just make sure you come back safe alright?" Evan said. I chuckled at his sleepy voice. I gave a quick kiss on Evans mouth and opened the door and went downstairs and saw Lui standing there waiting for me.

"Cmon Lui. Let's go!" I said and Lui just chuckled as I looked like I was ready to go to a party. As we drove to the store, I saw stares and I just looked away at the feeling of so many stares, as I was talking to Lui in the pregnancy section where the pregnancy tests were at I felt a small tap on the shoulder. I looked back as I was interrupted by the person tapping my shoulder, I saw this really curvy girl and she was skinny, she had a models body, just that she was small. She looked at me and I could see sparkles in her eyes as if she were admiring me.

"H-hi, May I take a picture with you Mr. Denis." She said blushing. I just smiled and nodded my head.

"Sure!!" She looked so happy and took out her phone to take a picture, we talked and talked and then people that were staring a while ago started asking for pictures and autographs. It took a good 2 hours of my time. As everybody left, Lui immediately grabbed about four pregnancy tests!! I just questioned him.

"Why so many Lui??"

"Because!!! You need a lot of evidence that you are pregnant. You never know if these pregnancy tests are broken!" I just laughed and we walked to the cashier and paid and left. The store was about 20 minutes away from home, so we started singing while we made it home. As we made it home we instantly ran inside the house. We were going upstairs when all of a sudden we get stopped by who? Of course it had to be EVAN!!

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