Part 6

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(Happy late thanksgiving I'm sorry for the wait I was just too busy with work and everything, I hope you guys take this Part 6 as an apology, enjoy!)

"Your pregnant?!?!" I heard the oldest brother say, his name was Dallas, he looked like me with brown hair and blue eyes, just not the hybrid markings of my powers since I was the only one that was a hybrid since my father had hybrid blood in him since his ancestors were hybrids and were warriors. He too was a hybrid since he is my father, the only thing that him and I don't have are the same height, I got the height of my mother, and all my brothers got the height of my father, I was 5'2 and they were 5'11. So I was only 9 inches smaller than them.

Delirious POV:
As I heard Dallas, my older brother say.

"Your pregnant?!?!"
I just giggled and nodded my head as a 'yes'.

"Congrats guys!!" I heard the second oldest brother, Isaac say. The third oldest was Zack and last but not least was my brother Alex, and I was the only young one in the family. Zack and Alex just 'stared' at me terrified, well they looked like they were terrified of me but when I looked back I saw Evan glaring at them with his intense eyes. Weird?

"Hey, Evan you alright?" I said as I nuzzled my forehead on his neck.

"...." Evan just stared at them, I sighed in frustration as he didn't tell me anything.

"What happened between you two? Obviously, he knows you guys! And don't think about lying to me in my face, I'll be grabbing your ears by the time you try and lie and show no mercy as I twist your ears!!" I said and Alex and Zack just gulped as they looked at me.

"Well, Alex and I did a little prank on your mate here and well, lets just say it didn't go well." Zack spoke, letting out a sigh I look at Evan.

"Whatever they did was just a prank alright, just let it go." I said, Evan looked at me and furrowed his eyebrows and did the most adorable thing ever! He fucking pouted.(@-@ akfreisvbskqfbsbnqkduwbq i have no clue what to write what so ever!!) I giggled and looked at them.

"You better sleep with your eyes open if you want to live, not my mistake that you guys are still stupid!" I said making them look at me and scoff, I just shrugged and went back to my parents to try and talk to them. Once I was there I turned into my raccoon and looked at them. They awed at me as I was super tiny with a huge baby bump that is due any day.

"So, what now?" I said.

"Well, we were planning on having a little family reunion, just you and the Fongs. I'd like the sound of us getting along, of course since your Evans mate and all, and your expecting the twins!! Which I'm glad about." I heard my mother say.

"That sounds like a great idea!! Well, there is one thing?" I said.

"And what is that?" My mother said.

"You have to accept my new siblings." I said making my mother confused.

"New siblings? What do you mean by that sweetie??" She said.

"You remember Lui Calibre and A-chi Martinez right? Well, we signed a contract making us half biological siblings. Oh and great news too!! A-chi had her babies yesterday, she had twins too. Their names are Mikey and Sebastian. As for Lui, he still hasn't had his which I totally understand since he isn't a hybrid at all and he is only having one baby, it's a girl. Me and A-chi were lucky to have twins and to be more specific, boys." I said, my mother gasped and smiled.

"That's awesome dear!! I would like to meet them again." My mother said with an excited smile.

"Well we better hurry back home now and be prepared for tomorrow since we are having a family reunion." Mr. Fong said.

"Oh, would you like to stay a night with us Sweetie? I hope you say yes, since it has been so long since we've seen you." My mother said, I cringed a little but showed no expression of it what so ever since that would be rude.

"Well, that depends, can Evan stay the night with me?" I said, smiling but trying to hide the cringe of my mother being sweet to me since this is new and all.

"Of course Jon!! He can stay with you." My mother said. I sighed in relief.

"Would you like to stay with me for the night Evy?" I said turning around to face him and letting my cringe expression out which cause Evan to laugh.

"Sure Baby." Evan said with a warm smile.

"Well if you guys are staying here for the night. I will take my leave now, goodbye, and take care of my little grandchildren there." Mr. Fong said. We waved him off and within a few minutes he was out of sight. As I looked at the sight of Mr. Fong no where to be seen anymore I took a big deep breath in and let it out with a long sigh, who knew caring babies would be stressful. As I looked back when I heard an 'ahem' I saw Evan awkwardly trying to signal me come to him since my 'father' was scarily glaring at him, I was unfazed what so ever but Evan on the other hand was uncomfortable not that he was scared but it was uncomfortable.

" many months are you Jonathan?" My father (I got chills maneee🥺🥺) said.

"I'm 5 months already! Although it's stressful to keep up with the strength of not screaming and crying because it's too much to take in. After all, they take their fathers side, their alphas and I have a feeling there gonna be as tall as their father, FUCKING 6'1 like whyyyyyyy. This is so unfair. Ahhh I wish I could've just had one. The goddess really likes to play with me." I said laughing. My family laughed and my father looked at me with such happy and sweet eyes. I could almost feel how much he has changed.

"May I?" He said extending his hands out. I just looked at him and said.

"Yeah." I walked towards him and he hugged me, technically picked me up to hug me since he is not a raccoon at all but a fucking cougar. People are not born with the same animals as their parents, well at least not in my life. As he hugged me I felt pairs of bodies squishing me now. As I looked it seemed like it was a group hug. (It is dumbass) I saw Evan standing there looking at me, smiling.

"Come join us Evy." I said. He just looked at me and came towards us. As he was now hugging all of us.

"We are one whole ass family aren't we?" I said. Chuckling along, they joined me.

*time skip cause this bitch is lazy*

We ended up in our own rooms and getting ready to sleep for tomorrow. I was laying there (in human form duhhh) and was in thought: how can pigs fly if they can't? But why do they use the phrase "when fat pigs fly" ?? Strange huh?

"What are you thinking of Jon?" I heard Evan say as I was taken off my thoughts.

"Nothing important but it was strange!" I said.

"We should go to sleep, tomorrow we have a reunion and then I have a mission." Evan said.

"Why~ do you really have to go to the mission." I said whining.

"Yes! It's actually important, this time it's a meeting." Evan said as he gave a quick kiss on my lips making the 'muah' sound come out of his mouth, making me giggle.

"Well goodnight love." I said as I was slowly feeling my eyes droopy.


Sorry it's short I'm just not into the mood of writing on a phone since I used to write my shit on computer, but sadly :(, my computer broke and that shit costed a lot but it was my sisters fault, she dropped it and made the cover of the screen pop out and break. BUTTTTT I'll see what I can do since I have winter break coming up and I get out of school on the 17th of Tuesday.

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