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(lets continue!!)
"Oh- so you think it's funny when I'm pregnant and I'm stressed out! You think it's that easy! I'd so appreciate it if you were in my shoes for one day!" I said with a grin, an angry grin to be exact.
"uh- no! No I don't mean it like that!" Isaac said. I sighed.

"Whatever. I have more stuff to stress and get mad about than having you waste my time on something that is not worth my anger and stress." I said as I leaned on Evans chest.

"I'm tired again, I'll go back to bed. Bye." I said as I walked back to my room. As I reached my room, I sighed. I entered my room and laid down on my bed. I stared at the ceiling thinking about everything that went wrong in my life and all the stress these babies that are yet to come to this world have done. I felt emotionally stressed, so I cried about it until I went back to sleep.

<<*2 hours later*>>

"Baby~ wake up Jon." I heard a muffled voice say.

"Mmmm- what~" I said as I stretched, still sleepy, I force myself to wake up and open my eyes.

"It's time to get ready remember we have a little family reunion." Evan said, which was the muffled voice I heard.

"I might just go back to sleep, leave me alone." I said as I felt my mood change back to the same, sadly down drained.

"What's wrong baby?" Evan said.

"Nothing, it's nothing." I said, getting up and changing to much more comfy clothes. Black sweatpants and a sweater- of Evans of course!!

"It's not nothing, something is bothering you, I know it, I'm here if you need anything y'know? After all, we care for each other." Evan said as he gave me a peck on my cheek. "I'm going downstairs, call me if something happens."

"Yeah, Okay." I said, as I put on my slippers. I sighed, I put my hands on my face and frowned. "So stressful." I got up and lightened my mood up, I went downstairs and heard people chit chatting and laughing.

"Hey Jon!" I hear a squeaker voice and an angelic voice say in sync. I turn to the direction of my name and I smiled.

"Hey guys!" I said as I walked up to them and hugged them.

"Sooo, how are the babies?" A-chi said. I sighed but contained a smile after that.

"There...there doing good." I said as I put my hand on my cheek and sat my elbow down on the counter desk of the kitchen.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?" Lui said.

"I'm fine!! I'm okay nothing is wrong with me!!" I said feeling my temper heating up. I felt a headache coming.

"Woah! Jon, calm down, just talk to us... we're here for you all the time." Lui said.

"I know, and I thank you for that, I'm just stressed out right now, I don't think I'm going to have these babies easily out." I said.

"Trust me, they are not!! I literally cried! Tell me about it!!" A-chi said.

"Haha, hey, where are my nephews at anyways?" I said with a wide smile.

"They're with Luke. He's over there with the guys talking about man stuff, who's the most dominant and powerful out of all of them." A-chi said.

"Obviously, my man is the most dominant and powerful one, and then it's Nogla and then Tyler." I said. "I'm going to go grab them, they might be talking about inappropriate stuff in front of my nephews, DON'T WORRY MIKEY AND SEBASTIAN I'M COMING TO THE RESCUE!!" I said as I speed walked to the guys. Lui and A-chi just laughed as they followed me.

🔆H2OVanoss🔆 Love, Pleasure, Pain💞 (COMPLETED, finally 😭)Where stories live. Discover now