Into the woods (nature god!Clef x Kondraki)

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Sorry this took so long, I've been hung up with ap classes. Hope you enjoy ElizaKith!
Benjamin loved taking pictures, he liked capturing everything in the world around him. Photography called to him as the wilds bordering his hometown did. Every morning Ben would wake to watch the sun climb over trees of the forest, to see how the dew made the plants within sparkle. Every evening he would watch the sun be eclipsed once more as the moon took its place in the sky and made the trees' shadowy and mysterious.
Ben knew he was considered weird for loving the woods, but he didn't care. The people in town would whisper about him anyways. He was already weird to them for being brown, Jewish and an immigrant, some eccentricity didn't hurt. Though Ben loved the wilderness, he'd never set foot in it. As a child, whenever he would wander too close, his mother would snatch him up and scold him.
He only learned why at his and his sister's mitzvah. According to legend, the great forest was ruled over by a demon, if anyone dare enter his dense thicket, they were doomed to a gruesome death. Ben didn't believe in the superstition or tales so his want of the wilds persisted. It's mysterious beauty and rich secrets never left his mind. Some nights, Ben thought it was literally calling, the whistle of the wind through the trees whispering his name and eyes peering through the foliage to watch him.
One day, he couldn't take it anymore. As soon as day broke, Ben set out for the forest, he had to know what was in there. He only got a foot away from the start before getting a call from work. Looking back on it, Ben wished he ignored it. It wasted his only chance to explore the wilds. In the years that had passed, he hadn't had the time to plan an adventure into the woods. Such a close encounter with the mystery that had plagued his life only made him want to see it more.
Ben sighed, running a hand through his hair and leaning against his kitchen counter. He'd woken up two hours before he had to go to work, the nagging need to enter the forest clouding his psyche. Ben looked at the edge through his kitchen window watching as owls rested on a few of the great trees within. He looked down his mug of coffee, almost empty. He chugged the rest and grinned. Today was the day. A backpack full of everything he would need for the trip sat in his garage layered in dust. Ben grabbed it and set it down on the couch alongside his camera equipment. All he had to do now was wait. 6:30 am, far passed the time he clocked in. He picked up his phone.


"Hey..." Ben said, faking a sick voice and cough.

"Ben? Jesus, what happened?"

"Woke up sick."

"What's your temp?"

"Least 115," Ben faked another cough.
"sorry man. I'll try to come in tomorrow."

"Alright, rest up then bud. Bye."

He hung up. Ben cackled. Why the hell hadn't he ever pulled this before? It was like he'd taken a shot of pure joy. Ecstasy thrummed in his veins, he'd never felt so young. Ben rushed to dress, stumbling into his shoes with childlike glee. He all but danced out the door, double checking his bags and cameras to ensure they would be okay.
The grass was cool under his fingertips as he slid down the steep drop separating the road near his apartment from the perimeter of the forest. The breeze pushed against Ben's back, as if to encourage him forward. He paused at the treeline and the wind pushed again. A spark of fear flashed in his mind, a split second of doubt. When he took a tentative step forward and did not die, Ben took it as a sign he was welcome.
With a newfound wave of confidence, Ben pushed past the thicket and into the untouched wilds. He took a deep breath, the air was musty, smelling of what could best be described as pure untouched morning and the various plants around him. A warm weight settled in his chest, as if he'd been welcomed back home after a long time away.
Ben threaded through the underbrush, admiring the wildflowers and ferns outlining the path he was tracing. Soon enough, he came to a clearing. The sky was lingering pink and orange as the sun ascended, filtering the scene through a rose colored lense. Ben smiled, an awed sigh escaping him. He got to work setting up his equipment and snapping pictures to capture the moments before him.
Benjamin lost himself, his mind keyed in on his task, shutting out the world outside of his camera lens. Despite his focus, after a while, he couldn't ignore the feeling of being watched.

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