18 - round two

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loren's pov

we reached mattia house fast and when i walked inside i was greeted with mattia's mom. a beautiful woman who introduced herself to me, i could tell she was very kind-hearted.

mattia and i began setting up the drinks some which all the boys paid for and other people gave in advance. we started on some shots to loosen up, preparing ourselves to have a good night. after we set up beer/spirit pong which was always good fun.

arya walked in with kairi, alvaro and roshaun. mattia greeting them with a shot each. arya taking maybe one too many shots in such a short period of time, she was definitely going to feel that later.

the party was in full swing now with some people here who i've never even seen. i have blurred memories of dancing in the living room, moving to beer pong and then trying to find travis scott's cereal.

i found myself in a bedroom needing to get away from the flashing lights and loud music. i went onto my instagram barely making out any of the words on the screen and a dial tone started playing. i was talking to... chase hudson.

"yo loren, i want to fly you out to an event we're doing in the next 2 weeks," i slurred on my speech in my reply, clueless of what i was agreeing to. we were talking until a pair of hands snatched my phone.

"don't talk to her," it was mattia ending the call.

"don't be a party pooper," i said with slight ignorance.

"loren let's sober you up a bit yeah?" i rolled my eyes at him. he went to get me water and bread whilst i sat there alone. it's not like i needed to sober up i was perfectly fine and able to manage myself.

"come on let's go enjoy the rest of the night," he pulled me out of the bedroom and downstairs to the sweat filled room.

i had no idea who these people were but i began introducing myself to them and found myself enjoying their company. we all began dancing but i made sure i had no more alcohol. i felt like a responsible role model.

people began to start leaving and without the crowd i could actually see arya and she was in a state. i saw her turn pale and run to the nearest bathroom it appeared, me chasing after her.

"arya this is disgusting," i said trying to tie her hair up whilst she threw up into the toilet.

"mattia can't lick this toilet now how do you feel?" i said jokingly but it maybe now wasn't a time for jokes. the smell and the sounds were unbearable. mattia snapping this moment as if we ever wanted to see it again. gross. i let alejandro take over whilst mattia and i went to get clothes.

"can i pick some of your clothes to borrow?" giving him puppy dog eyes.

"sure, go ahead," he laughed at me. i picked out a large black tee with some gym shorts i looked like a man but a sexy man at that. i went to the bathroom to take off my makeup this time so mattia didn't wake up with my face on him again.

i'm still embarrassed.

we made our way back to our fallen soldier, arya, who mattia threw a t-shirt to. we slowly made our way downstairs with the injured and diseased.

"i call dibbs on the sofa bed!" i shouted ensuring i was heard. we made sure everyone had somewhere to sleep before mattia and i made out way to the sofa bed we were going to share.

"good night." mattia whispered as he pecked my forehead. i don't know what this feeling was but i was comforting.

check out vcmities for arya's pov
check out thiccyoonji for aurelia's pov

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