Chapter Three - Visit

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It was that day of the week once again, where I get to visit my sweet love. I bet he's so excited to hear all about how meeting Luke went. I know he seems to have really found a friend in him.
We don't write letters anymore so we can tell each other everything while I'm visiting him. I'm sure he's really curious about what we think of Luke.
I do the usual routine, sign in, walk to the room that we are given and listen as they call Bryce into our visiting room.
Bryce walks in and has his usual sweet smile that melts my heart. He asks me how I am doing and we do our usual check up talk to see how we've been. He asks "so what did y'all think of Deluca?" I tell him that we've got nothing but positive reviews about him. That brings a smile upon his face. He said "how long did it take to get him out of his shyness?" I tell him that it did take awhile but Cassandra eventually broke it with her series of ice breaker questions. He then asks the question he really wants the answer to, which is "so is it okay if he's apart of our crew now?" I told him "yes, no one felt like he gave off bad vibes. We have also given him the name, Luke. He seems to really like it." Bryce says "yeah, that's what I call him but I didn't know if y'all were gonna give him some nickname or not so I just stuck with Deluca."
We could talk about Luke for days and honestly, I wouldn't mind as long as it's coming out of Bryce's mouth. His voice always triggers a soft spot in me that has me melting. I probably say this a million times but I can't help that he's so perfect to me. I can't help that I am insanely in love with him. He has had my heart since day one. That is one thing that will never change.
Bryce changes the subject to talk about his plans for when we get out. In the past, he's always tried to impregnate me without me knowing but it seems that he wants my thoughts on it. To be fair, at the time, we were only in high school and I was thinking about our futures career-wise while he was thinking about our future family-wise.
He says "I know that I have done some awful things to you. Trying to get you pregnant without your okay may have not been a smart plan but I have wanted you to be the mother of my kids since the beginning which is why we need to talk about this part of our future." I'm listening and smile as I see that he really is doing things differently this time. He continues on with "I do want to marry you and start a family with you. Will I tell you when I plan to ask the question? No but right now, you are aware that the question will be asked, whether you say yes or no is completely up to you. Do I know if kids or marriage will come first? No." I tell him how I do want to marry him and have his kids and it's just a beautiful conversation.
It was a beautiful conversation until the guard spoke into our intercom to let us know that visiting hour is over. They sure know how to ruin a good conversation.

Notoriously Yours part two: Forgive And ForgetWhere stories live. Discover now