The tea

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^ that's what you are wearing when I say Mila changed.

Vic, Jess and I go into my room.

Jess- ok now spill

Mila- i mean there's not a lot to spill.

Vic- stop lying.

Mila- ok fine. Basically me and mar- yk. We did it. But it was just that one time and it was in the moment. I was crying and he was there for me and it kind of just happened.

Jess- you like him don't you.

Mila- i feel like I can't. I mean he's sooooo cute. And i have liked him for years. But I don't know. He's Mar. He has his hoes, and I feel like that's what I am to him as of right now.

Vic- Mila, you're his friends little sister. I'm pretty sure you aren't just one of his hoes. If he wanted more he would've gone for anyone but you.

Jess- exactly. And if it makes you feel any better when samy was telling me what happened he said he's never seen Mar this stressed about a girl

Mila- stressed?? He's stressed over ME?

Jess- hella stressed.

Vic- there is your opportunity. Go for it. Just do it. And if it doesn't work out. You know Mattia will be there.

Mila- Mattia wont do shit. I know that for a fact. Might as well just try.

Vic- she screams. YES.

Jess- chill with that. She laughs.

Mila- ok but just don't tell anyone about this conversation. ESPECIALLY samy. @jess

Jess- got it. Ahaha

We all walk out of the room laughing.

Roshaun- we want in on the girl talk girlies.

Mila- ew, never say that again. Ever

Samy- i know what it was about. He nudged mar.

Vic- you really want to know?

Me and Jess stare her down. We mouth to her "NO"

Vic- we were just talking about how I puked at the party last night.

Alejandro- you what? You puked? Vic, really?

Alex hates when Vic gets to the point where she pukes when she drinks.

Mila- its fine, it was wayyyy before I walked in on you guys hu.

Kairi and Alvaro start laughing.

Mattia- speaking of the party, I met the finest girl there.

I roll my eyes.

Mila- how long until you guys were sticking your tongues down each other's throats?

Mar- damnnnn.

Mattia- how long was it before you and mar-

Mila- stfu Mattia

He laughs. And i smirk. I look over and see Mar lightly laughing.

Mila- who's sleeping over?

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