Later on

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(Idk why that tik tok above isn't working. I made it a Live Photo but whatever. But that video did something to me 🤤 it's one of my favs)

I haven't talked to Mar in about two weeks. Good news though, I just finished my physical therapy and I can walk without a brace now. Wish I could tell Mar about it... no, wtf. He fucked me over first.

A little update, me and Alvaro have been hu a bit. We aren't anything though, more like a friends with benefits ( idea from: oliviahart021). We text all the time, we see each other a lot. Life is kinda perfect right now.

I scroll through tik tok and I see Mar's recent. (Shown above). I go through his comments and I see a girl comment "aight" and he comments back "aite"   I go to the girls account and Holy shit, She looks sm like Kendall Jenner. Guess he moved on pretty fast. Or is he with his ex again. Idk at this point.

I turn my phone off. I hear a knock at my door. Alvaro walks in and I get the biggest smile on my face. I motion for him to come sit down.

Mila: did my mom let you in?

Alvaro: your dad actually.

Mila: did the guys come with you?

Alvaro: Roshaun did. But we only came to tell you guys something.

I see the worried look in his eyes. I start to get a little scared.

Mila: what happened? You're scaring me.

Alvaro: i don't even know how to get the words right. I can't talk about it without crying.

Mila: you can tell me Varo.

He takes a deep, long breath.

Alvaro: Me and Roshaun are moving.

He takes a long pause.

Alvaro: to Florida.

My face goes from 😐to 😣.

Mila: you're kidding. You guys are pranking me. I know it. The guys are behind the door listening to us right now as we speak.

I get up and swing open the door to reveal no one. I speed walk back to the bed and sit down.

Mila: you're capping right now. Tell me you're lying Alvaro. Right now. Tell me.

Alvaro: I wish I was kidding. My mom told me last night.

Mila: you can't leave me.

He scoots closer to me on the bed and takes my hand.

Alvaro: I don't want to mi amor. I don't want to leave any of you guys. I'm sorry.

He puts my hand up to his lips and gives it a small kiss. (Kinda cringe, kinda cute tho)

Mila: its not your fault. Hey, maybe Me and Mattia can go and visit you. We can go to the beachhhh, get ice cream...

My voice fades away as I say this. Almost like I'm daydreaming about the future.

Alvaro: of course. And if anything, i can get a ticket back here. They aren't expensive.

I nod my head disappointedly.

Alvaro: I'm gonna go see Mattia.

Mila: wait. When are you leaving?

Alvaro: next month. So we got time. He winks at me and walks out of the room.

Why does everyone keep leaving me?

This chapter was super short. But the next few chapters will be good.

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