Part 3

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I'm hoping that he didn't read the letter! And if he did, I hope he doesn't think it's about him! I move off the door and he removes his hand. I think he sensed my panic.

"If you ever need someone to talk to or if you need to get away from your dad for a while, you can hang out with me."

Hot tears were streaming down my face at this point.

"...Why - Why are you being so nice to me?"

I can see Sally's feet shift behind the door.

"I don't think you're a bad person Travis."

I wipe my face with some toilet paper.

"You know, I don't really hate you...or your friends..."

I opened the stall door. Sally backs away, but I don't think he's alarmed.

"Goddammit Sally. I don't hate you, I love you!"

I blush extrememly bight red. Sudden realization hit me like a truck going 70 miles per hour. I regret everything. Sally looks at me with wide eyes,


He doesn't need to answer. I already know what he's going to say. I'm shaking at this point,

"S-Sally...I-I'm so s-sorry!"

I rush past him with tears running down my face. He calls my name but I don't answer, I don't even look back. I run all the way to my locker. The school day is almost over, so I decided to just skip the remainder of the day. The security at this school is almost non-existent, so I won't have a hard time getting out.

I quickly put my things in my bag, and throw my bag over my shoulder. I just hope I don't run into Stupid Face on my way out of the school. On my way down a hallway, getting close to a door, I spotted him by it, and he spotted me.

He called me once again but there was a big enough gap for me to run into the other door which is on the other side of the hall. I run right out the door and start running home. I hope he doesn't follow me.

El time skip again:

I woke up the next morning with a headache. I'm already dreading the school day, I'm glad it's Friday. All I have to do is avoid Stupid Face and then I won't have to worry about him until Monday.

I started to get up from my bed but stopped when I heard footsteps downstairs. Dad? What is he doing here? He should be down at the church, that's how he spends all his mornings. I don't want to get harassed today, he already thinks I'm gay, he'd kill me or disown me if he found out I have feelings for a boy.

I stand up from my bed and get dressed for the day. I grab my bag and put my hand on the doorknob. I'm going to skip breakfast and leave for school early today. I don't want to be in the same room as that man for that long, maybe I'll just say that I'm going to be late and I don't have time to eat. He doesn't know when I normally leave anyway, so he should buy it.

I take a deep breath and open the door I slowly walk down the stairs in hope that he doesn't hear me. The moment I get the bottom stair, I make a deadline for the door. My dad suddenly steps in front of the door, making me almost run into him.

"Woah, woah, woah, where are you going in such a rush?"

I put my head slightly down and talk in a quiet voice.

"I'm going to be late for school dad, I have to go."

I can't even bare to look at him.

"Without any food? Hey, why aren't you looking at me? Look at me when I speak to you!"

He raises a fist to me, and I flinch.

"Why are you acting so guilty? Are you hiding something from me? You're not turning into a f*ggot are you?!"

I start to quiver,

"I'm not a f*g, dad."

"Only a f*g would act like this!"

He hits me on the left side of my face. I can taste blood in my mouth. I push him to the side and run outside the house, I start running to school. I can look at the damage when I get to school. I turned my head to see my dad screaming something from the doorstep. I can't hear him, my ears are ringing. Stupid Face suddenly became the least of my worries.

Since I'm early for school, I'll have time to go to the bathroom and look at how bad it is. I walk into the school building and head to the bathroom, ironically the same bathroom from the day before. It gave me chills as I walked inside. All the stalls were open, but that was expected because I'm about 30 minutes early, and not that many people are here yet.

I look into the mirror. Oh no it's worse than I thought, my face is bruising all on my left cheek, and its a dark shade of purple. Somehow he also scratched me because there's a cut about 4 inches long. Was he holding something that would cut me like this? He must've, how else would I have gotten this?

I spent the next 10 minutes trying to get it to stop bleeding, but nothing helped. Should I go to the nurse and tell him a lie? He might figure out something's up. Wait I might have a few bandages in my bag.

As I crouched down with my bag so I could look through it, I glanced up at the trash can. I saw the note that I had wrote the previous day. I was about to grab it to throw it away but then Stupid Face just decided to come into the bathroom I was in. Well this day is just great. This is the exact opposite of what I wanted today.

"Ugh, go away Stupid Face. Can't you see that I'm busy?"

I feel bad for the way that I treat him, but I really am quite busy this time. Sally kneels down,

"Travis! You're bleeding!"

I scoff,

"Yeah, so? What's it to you?"

Sally pulls out a medical gauze and some wrap.

"Here Travis, let me help you."

He tries to touch my face but I flinch.

"Why? I didn't help you when you were bleeding, hell I even caused your bleeding! Why are you helping me?"

"Travis will you stop being so stubborn and let me help you? We only have 15 minutes left before class, we don't want to be late now do we?"

I sit there and let him wipe off the blood and put the medical guaze over the cut. He then grabbed the wrap and wrapped it vertically over the top of my head, down to under my chin a few times and tucked it in so the gauze would stay in place. His touch makes me blush a little bit.

"Do you feel okay? It's not too tight is it?"
It feels so nice to look over my past work, I forgot how much I enjoyed writing this, and it's bringing up a lot of fond memories. It also made me realize that I enjoy writing angst a lot more than I do fluff *hint hint nudge nudge*

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