Part 6

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I woke up the next morning with my face hurting from what happened a few days back. I was about to open my bedroom door but then I remembered that my dad may be home.

I peeked my door open and stuck my head out, I heard dishes clanking. Shit, he's home. He doesn't normally check up on me in the weekends, and I usually don't come out of my room. I doubt he'll notice that I'm missing. I'm not going to patch my face up today, because if I am caught sneaking out, then he'll give me more hell for patching it up, I'm expected to not patch up after him.

I grab my emergency bag in case my dad doesnt let me back into the house. I open my 2 story window and look out. How am I supposed to get down from here? I look down at this little ledge about 3 feet under my window. If I jump from that, I'll only drop about 10 feet, and the lawn is right there, so if I aim for that, it'll break my fall.

I step on the ledge outside my window and jump. I landed on my right ankle and then my side. Son of bitch! That really fucking hurt! I move my ankle to make sure it isn't broken, I give a sigh of relief. It sure hurts like hell though. I try to stand up and fall back down immediately. Looks like I'm going to hobble my way to the Addison Apartments.

The Addison Apartments is about 5 blocks from here, so I should be able to make it without seriously hurting my ankle. I look down at my ankle and I can already see swelling. Well this is going to a bitch.

I crawl over to my bag, and put it over my shoulder. I stand up slowly and try to steady myself. I can barely put any weight on my ankle without pain shooting through my leg. This isn't good, I probably sprained it. I slowly make my way to the Addison Apartments, this is going to take me a while to get there. I hope Sally doesn't think that I'm not going to show up.

Tiiiiiime skiiiiiip:

Finally! After 2 hours I finally made it to the Addison Apartments! My ankle is killing me. I walk inside to see it empty. That's strange, you'd expect people to be out an about saying that it's a Saturday. Maybe the tenants don't like each other.

I limp over to the elevator, and I go up to the floor that Sally lives on. Thankfully Sally's apartment is really close to elevator, I don't know how much longer I can walk on my injured ankle. I knock on Sally's door and I hear think Sally knocked over a bunch of things to get to the door. Sally swings open the door,

"Travis! You came! I was getting worried you weren't going to come."

Sal wrapped his  arms around me, putting more weight on my ankle. I winced,

"Yeah I wouldn't miss coming here for the world. Quite literally."

Sally pulls me into the apartment,

"What do you mean by quite literally?"

I didn't have to answer that question. He saw my attempt to walk and my content wincing. He looked down at my ankle and he saw how swollen it was.

"What happened? Are you okay?"

He sat me down on the couch.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I've been through worse."

At that moment Sally's dad, Henry, came into the room.

"Dad can you get me some ice? Travis hurt his ankle."

Sally's dad looked at my ankle and saw how bad it was.

"Yeah of course. I'll be right back."

Henry quickly walked into the other room. Sally turned to me,

"How did this happen?"

I looked up at Sally and and saw the worried expression in his eyes. He really does care about me. I don't think I'll ever not feel guilty about how I treated him, even if he has put it in the past.

At that moment, Henry walks into the room and puts the ice on my ankle. I tell him thanks and looked at my hands that are in my lap.

"Well you see, my dad's home so I had to sneak out. My I had to jump out of my bedroom window, which is on the second floor."

I look up at Sal, and it looks like he's about to cry. I then looked at Henry, who looks worried. Henry spoke up after a minute of silence,

"I hope it isn't sprained. If it is, well have to take you to the hospital and your dad will be contacted. From the sound of it, he doesn't sound like the best guy, but I don't know him so what would I know? Let's see what that ice does and hope for the best."

Shit, I didn't even think about that. I'll be in deep shit if it's sprained. Sally hugs me and then stands up all the way,

"You guys have a nice chat while I go to the bathroom."

Sal walks away and when he's out of view, Henry looks at me and he softens his voice,

"If you don't mind me asking, what's up with your father? He sounds like bad news. It's okay if you don't want to answer. This just seems serious and you seem like a nice boy. I don't want to see anyone get hurt."

I look down at my hands and take a deep breath.

"He...sometimes, hits me. And calls me terrible things."

I look back at him.

"I'm so sorry Travis, that's terrible. You'll be able to get out of that house soon enough, there's still hope for you. Wait, you look oddly familiar. What's your last name?"

"Its Phelps."

Henry looks taken back.

"Wait, your father is Paster Phelps? Down at the church? He would be against abuse!"

I look back down again, and mumble,

"He's not against homosexuality."

I can hear Henry reply,

"Oh, that makes sense now, but he has no right to do that to someone, let alone his child. Even if he is gay, there's nothing wrong with that! That's who you are! There is absolutely nothing wrong with you."
Wooooo! Part 6! I'm almost finished publishing this entire story.

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