Part 5

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"Yes I just said I like you, yes I'm serious, and yes I really mean it."

I can't look at him in his beautiful blue eyes.

"Sally....I think I've always had feelings for you, I just never knew how to handle them. Therefore I treated you so cruelly, I'm so sorry for being such an asshole this whole time."

I lift my head up and close my eyes.

"And I hope you can find it in your heart  to forgive me."

Sally's hand tightens around mine,

"I've forgiven you a long time ago, Travis."

I opened my eyes,


"Yes Travis, I have."

I take a deep breath. I can't believe I would end up like this, my dad is going to kill me.


I hear Sally  say "Hm?" as a response. I close my eyes once again, my spine stiffens, and my breathing quickens. I notice I'm starting to sweat and shake.

"Sal...I've wanted to say this for quite a while, but...WILLYOUBEMYBOYFRIEND?!"

Oh no I practically shouted that, I open my eyes to see if anyone noticed, I don't think they did. I looked at Sally for a split second, and then quickly looked away. Sally started to chuckle. I frown a bit,

"What's so funny?!"

"It's just the way that you get so flustered, I never thought that you'd be like this, especially with that hard outer layer you have. My answer is yes, Yes I'll be your boyfriend."

Wait, did he just say yes? This is unreal! I can't believe it! I'm dating Sally Face! My dad can never find out about this, never. I look up at him,

"Wait really?" Sally giggles,

"Yes, really."

I'm so happy! Sally didn't reject my feelings, and he likes me back! But there's a big problem, my dad. He's going to catch on sooner or later. Sally noticed my sudden change in expression.

"Hey, hey what's wrong?"

Tears start swelling in my eyes,

"Sally I'm scared. My dad...he'll...he'll..."

Sally got up from his seat and came around and hugged me.

"Travis, whatever happens next, you'll be safe. We'll get through this together. If your dad kicks you out, I'm sure my dad will let you stay. He's very accepting. I'll have to come out to him first though. I love you Travis, I won't let anything happen to you."

At this point I wad already crying. Sally pulled down the sleeve of his shirt and wiped my tears.

"Thank you, Sally. You don't know how much this means to me."

The bell rang signalling that lunch is over. Thankfully, we have one class left and Sally and I have that class together. I throw my food away and I, without thinking, grab Sally's hand (Haha like the picture. That's so meta.)

We walk to our lockers and grab both of our things for our last class and headed to our class. When we got there we took our seats, and I looked back at him. He smiled at me with his eyes, saying that his mask has no expression. He also waved at me. I couldn't help but smile. He's such a massive dork.

I can't believe that he's actually my boyfriend. I can't believe that I'm actually gay. Now that I realized that I'm not straight, I never really actually liked girls. It was all forced hetero feelings. I probably felt "attracted" to girls because my dad told me that was my only option, and that it would be an abomination if I ever liked boys. I'll have to tell him one day, I can't keep living in this house.

After class ended, I was grabbing my stuff and I looked over at Sally's desk and noticed that he was already gone. I guess he really hates being in class. With my things in hand, I walked out of the classroom and saw that Sal was waiting for me.

"Hey Travis, do you want to come over this weekend? My dad doesn't really care."

My heart dropped a little bit,

"Well my dad always makes me go to church on Sundays, and he's at the church sometimes all day on Saturdays, but I never really know. If he's at the church tomorrow, then I'll definitely come over, but if he's at home, I might have to sneak out or something like that."

"But wouldn't your dad get mad if he found out you snuck out to see me?"

I gave Sal a reassuring smile,

"The worst he can do is kick me out right? I've had an emergency bag packed just in case if I ever needed to quickly leave."

Sally grabs my hand and starts walking to the nearest exit,

"But what if he hits you? I don't want you to get hurt."

I kept smiling even though on the inside I was terrified.

"I've taken so many beatings, I'll be fine. He hasn't killed me yet so I'll live. Don't worry about me Sal."

Sally stops walking and pulls my arm so I can face him.

"You can't tell me to just not worry about you. I love you! I tears me apart to see you get hurt like this!"

I bent down to give Sally a hug, this reminds me of all the times I've hit Sally, made him bruise and bleed. I think of all the times I hurt the one person that I love the most in this world. I think of all the times I took out my aggression of my dad onto Sal. I think of all the times he would beg me to stop when he was huddled into a corner on the floor, bruising and and bleeding.

My thoughts suddenly get disrupted when Sally suddenly pushed me away really hard. I didn't even realize I was crying. Sally was panting, hard. I run back to Sally, what happened? Was I hurting him and didn't realize it?

"Sally! I'm so sorry! I was getting lost in thought and didn't know what I was doing. Did I hurt you? Are you alright?"

Sally replied in pants,


I grab Sal's hand and decide I'm gonna walk him home, even if my house is closer.
I should probably stop posting these parts so quickly, because there's only seven more parts so I'm almost halfway done with posting these already.

Maybe We Can Give This A Shot? {Travis X Sally Face Fanfiction}Where stories live. Discover now