Alternate Ending

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This ending has a lot of abuse, homophobic slurs, and death.

"Hey, uh dad? Can I speak to you for a minute?"

He rolled his eyes at me and paused his show,

"What is it? Can't you see that I'm busy?"

I started to shake, it makes me so sad that people have to go through this.

"I'm s-sorry, it's just,"

He sat forward in his chair, "

"Spit it out."

I practically shouted,

"Dad I'm gay!"

My dad stood up quickly and rushed over to me before I could react. He struck me across the face.

"I didn't raise you to be a faggot! You are a disgrace to me and your entire family!"

He kept hitting me until I couldn't even feel it anymore. It got to the point where I couldn't remember what I was doing. He picked up a glass bottle and broke it.

"You're a fucking disgusting abomination!"

He started leaving very deep gashes all over my body and he repedetely kicked me into a wall. I was losing way too much blood. I've never bled out this quickly before. It took me a moment to realize he was kicking me so hard in the ribs, I could hear them break. I was coughing up so much blood, I could barely breathe.

He picked me up and walked over to the front door. He then opened the door and stepped outside. I slowly lifted my head to see Sally and Henry in shock. Oh no, I never wanted them to see me like this, especially after all they've been through. I watched Henry quickly dial 911. "

"Here! Take your fag and get out of here! I don't want to see him anymore!"

He threw me off the porch and I hit the ground really hard. I could hear the door slam behind me. Sally ran up to me and took his mask off. His tear stained face broke my heart. I tried to speak but I shouldn't get anything above a whisper out,

"Sal...I'm...sorry y-you m-me like...this."

He touched my face, I winced at the pain.

"D-don't be sorry darling! It wasn't your fault. If anything I-I should apologize for not helping. Some b-boyfriend I am huh? Just take it easy o-okay? The paramedics are on their way."

I look over at Henry who seems to be screaming, telling the paramedics to come faster. I looked back At Sally, I took Sal for granted, I'm thankful for the time I had had with him.

" you Sal."

"I love you too Travis, you're starting to scare me."

I raised my arm, despite of the pain, and pulled him down into a kiss. I let go of him and he sat up. I smiled at him, I never got to tell him how happy he made me. I layed my head back down as I took my final breath.


I looked down at Travis, he's not moving.


I pushed him a little,

"Travis please, you're scaring me!"

I quickly realized, that my love has passed away.

"Oh god, no. No. No. No. No! No! Nooooo!!!"

I looked over at my dad and he seemed to be just as heart broken as me. I looked back At Travis and tried to do do CPR, but it was no use because all of Travis's ribs are broken.

I could hear sirens off in the distance, I just hope that they can save him. I couldn't hold back my tears anymore.

No, he can't die. Not like this, not now. He couldn't possibly leave me like this.

The sirens were getting closer, I looked down the street and could see the ambulance, followed by a police car.

The ambulance came to a sudden halt and 2 paramedics jumped out with a stretcher. They put Travis on the stretcher. They had my dad ride in the front while they let me ride in the back.

I looked out of the door to see Travis's dad in handcuffs, where he should be. I hope he rots in prison and then rots in hell.

I turned back at Travis and thankfully, the paramedics got a pulse, but he was unconscious.

Now I was crying tears of happiness. They got my baby back. Maybe we could live a happy life after all.

We arrived at the hospital and the paramedics rushed Travis in, and my dad and I followed. The nurses told us to wait in the front once we got inside, and that after Travis is stable, they have to do immediate surgery.

My dad hugged me and guided me to the chairs. I've always hated waited at hospitals, despite all the people they save, there are so many deaths in surgery. I don't trust the police, so why should I trust the hospital? If they save Travis, and his dad goes to prison for a long time, I'll trust them again. We sat down and my dad turned to me.

"Hey, look at me, listen, it's going to be okay. They're going to save him. He's going to live. They have a pulse, that's a good thing."

He pulled me in for a hug, but I couldn't hug back. I didn't know how to feel. Hospitals lose people all the time, what makes me think that this could be any different. My boyfriend is most likely dying in the other room and I couldnt do anything to save him. I was supposed to protect him, I promised him I would.

A doctor walked out of the room and approached us. I could tell by the look on his face, that it wasn't good.

"I regret to inform you that Travis couldn't make it. I'm so sorry for your loss."

I collapsed to the ground, every sound was replaced with a piercing ringing. The tears were rolling down my face almost like a waterfall.

I can't believe it. I won't believe it. This is all of my fault, I should've been there to protect him, especially in the time where he needed it the most. If I just went inside with him as I wanted too, then all of this would have never happened. We could have been off, doing whatever. Just the three of us. We would have been happy.

Thinking of a possible future where we're all together and happy makes me cry harder. I could feel my dad try to comfort me but its no use. I look up at him and hes crying too. He treated Travis like one of his own, hes like the father he never had. Now he's gone, he was my everything. I love him with all of my heart, nothing could ever change that, never. Where is my happy ending now?


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