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he lookin kinda fresh doe.

↪︎ kairi's pov.

one year ago,

"bro what just happened." mattia looks as shocked as i am, his mouth parting slightly. "kairi, you can't take care of a kid for shit, how is this hope kid even gonna survive? i bet you'll feed him your mom's tampons."

"mattia, that was one time!" right after i say that, the bell rang as the same time as mattia laughs. "oh shit we got french class! did you do your homework?" my eyes widen. we had homework? i shook my head no and he sighs. we walk side by side, arms brushing slightly as we head to french class. great, another 75 minutes of 'oui oui croissant bonjour.'

[ haha jokes on yall im actually fluent in french ]

we get inside a few seconds before the second bell rings, and sit at our desks. mattia's desk is quite far away from mine, since our teacher placed us by alphabetical order, according to our last names. "bonjour les élèves! je vais prendre les présences dans quelques instants, alors ne faisait pas trop de bruit s'il vous plaît." what the hell does that mean? i text mattia discreetly to ask what our teacher just said.

mattia <3 ;; "hello students! i'm gonna take attendances in a few moments, so please don't make too much noise."

mattia <3 ;; you're so stupid shes been saying this for the whole year, every single class we had.

me;; haha stfu.

mattia <3 ;; hAhA stFu HahA.

i grin at mattia's childishness and put my phone back in my pocket. "je vais vérifier vos devoirs maintenant, sortez vos livres." i look up at mattia and he mouths 'homework'. i just shrug. the day passed pretty quickly today, and i was already at mattia's house. it's finally 6pm, which was the time where mrs. min comes over to mattia's house to drop off the demon.

mattia looked kinda nervous, playing with his fingers and biting his nails. he only does that when he's stressed out about something. i put my hand over his and flash him a sweet smile. he returns the smile, seeming a little less nervous. this kid better not make mattia sad. it hurts me when mattia's sad. he looks adorable when he laughs. it's the only expression that should stay on his face. nothing else.

my eyes couldn't help but stay on mattia, staring and examining all the features on his face. his big doe eyes. his beautiful nose. his perfect skin. (man he's gotta drop that skincare routine though). oh, and the lips. those lips were just.. ugh. i think i caught alvaro and alejandro's homoness. ever since they came out as gay (for each other), i've had these very not-homie-approvable thoughts towards mattia.

again, i think i've caught alvaro and ale's homoness.

he must have noticed i was staring by now, but he didn't do anything about it. he looked at me, then at our linked hands, then me, then behind me, then our hands again. bro stop moving so much, i'm tryna stare at you. right on cue, as if he heard me, he stopped moving. he looked hesitant about what he was gonna do next, his eyes scanning all over me, and i couldn't guess what he was thinking about.

but then, mattia started slowly leaning in, and i don't think my heart had ever been beating this fast. what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing what is he doing what is he do- we both abruptly jumped because of the bell, signalling mrs. min arrived. mattia clears his throat, muttering a quick 'i'll be right back' before getting out, leaving me in his room, alone and uncomfortable.

what the fuck just happened?

↪︎ mattia's pov.

woah. i just- i just tried to kiss my best friend. what's wrong with me..? why am i feeling these emotions. i shouldn't be feeling this. i should be disgusted in even thinking about placing my lips on top of kairi's, but.. it strangely doesn't disgust me. no, no i shouldn't think of this. this is not okay. kairi's gonna hate me. oh my god if kairi and i stop being friends i'm killing myself.

the doorbell rang again, mrs. min becoming impatient. this time, kairi comes to open the door with me, the both of us feeling slightly awkward, but it's whatever. i open the door, and there he is. this is hope. wow, he actually looks like an angel. i hope he acts like one, too. "mattia! kairi! i want you to meet hope, or hobi, as he likes to call himself." my teacher exclaimed enthusiastically.

"uhh hi?" both kairi and i say at the same time. i mean what are we supposed to say? is this was a teenager or something, it would of been way easier. "helloooo i'm hobbbbii!" hope said, smiling. aw he's so cute. mrs. min pushes him inside, and makes sure to warn us one more time. "make. him. happy. or say goodbye to passing." we both nod, but right after the door closed, kairi put up his middle finger, and scrunched his nose, whispering "fuck you lady." which i found funny but so, so cute.

hope came back from the bathroom, (which i don't know how the hell he found.) and ran towards kairi, giving him a big hug from the back. "i decided you my mama." then he points at me, saying, "and you my daddy." a deep shade of red appeared on kairi's face, and he stuttered a little. "h-how come i'm the mama?! mattia would be a better mama. i'm d-daddy. okay?"

hope frowned, crossing his arms. "no! mattia taller and you too pretty to be daddy." it is true. he is very pretty. kairi blushed one more, but decided not to say anything about it, since that's what hope wants. and that's what makes him happy. "sooo hobi, what'd you wanna eat? we got chicken nuggets." i say, smiling and ruffling his hair. his face lights up, going from a frown to an excited smile. "chicken nuggies?! yes pwease."

he ran to kitchen, and i took the opportunity to talk to kairi. "let's go warm up some chicken nuggets mama." he puts his middle finger up for the second time today and i laugh. "okay let's go daddy." i abruptly stopped walking and so did kairi. i felt my pants tighten and it felt like i was in an oven. kairi blushed again, stuttering, "i- no mattia! that's not how i meant it, i- get your mind out the gutter."

he quickly walks away, leaving me in my own thoughts.

hello babes. this is chapter 2 for you guys. 😳✨😍

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