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me @ kairi

↪︎ kairi's pov.

DAY 6/7

when i heard the person coming in, it hit me like a ton of bricks the realization of what i was doing. i'm naked. in the school's pool. with my naked boyfriend. and we're making out. instead of being in class. holy fucking shit i thought. holy, fucking, shit. how the fuck did mattia convince me to do this shit?

the first thing i did was move away from mattia, and he moved away from me, too. we both froze, nervousness the only thing we were feeling. i turned around and i saw a teacher standing a few meters away from the pool, her eyes wide and her mouth hanging open. "mattia? kairi? is that you?" i wanted to do nothing but bury myself alive, feeling humiliated our teacher caught us both here naked, giving each other kissies, saying how much we love each other.

"oh my god, mrs. min, i-" of course it had to be fucking mrs. min. "you know what? i didn't see shit." she says as he puts her hands on her eyes. "i'm counting to thirty, and if i see you both in the pool, i'm gonna-" she thinks for a few seconds, then says, "frankly, i might barf. so y'all better get the fuck out the pool." mattia and i were both shocked of the vocabulary my teacher was using, but we didn't waste anymore time getting out the pool and putting our clothes on after we heard her start counting.

"-28, 29,-" she peeped through her fingers and looked around, but when she saw us putting our shirts on, she closed her eyes once more. "-29 and a quarter, 29 and-" i giggled at her words, her clearly trying to give us more time to change. "let's go, mattia!" i shout at him, and we both run outside, feeling the autumn breeze. "that was fucking crazy, mattia! i can't believe you fucking convinced me to do that!" i laugh as i hit him on the shoulder.

he takes me in his arms and gave me a kiss on the forehead. "kairi, baby, it's cold out and your hair's still wet. you're gonna get sick." i kiss the pout of his lips and whisper to him. "honestly, i'm happy you got me to get in there with you. i wanted to tell you how i felt for so long, and you gave me the perfect opportunity to pour my feelings out, today."

he smiles his best smile and kisses me on the cheek. "i love you, baby boy."

↪︎ mattia's pov.

i suddenly had the idea to ask kairi something, a question that i've been meaning to ask ever since him and i've been a couple, which was only a couple of days. "kairi..?" he looked up to me. "yes babe?" my heart warms at the pet name, but i don't make it seem like it affected me. "would you like to.. would you like to be my date to prom?" he seemed shocked, but happy nonetheless. "uhm hell yeah!" he jumped on me and gave me a big kiss on the cheek.

kairi smiles at me and hugs me. "so what'd we do now?" he asks. "wanna go back to class?" i check the time and realize my mom's supposed to pick hope up from kindergarten in about an hour. "how bout we skip and go get a gift for hope? we can pick him up later." he nods and starts walking, intertwining his fingers with mine. i put our linked hands in my jacket's pocket, so we don't get cold.

when we get to target about thirty minutes later, kairi and i look for a good present for hope. "how about this?" he asks, showing me a golden necklace that says 'hope' on it. "that's so fucking pretty. how much is it?" he looks at the price tag, but puts the necklace back where he found it from, muttering "nope. no way." i laugh at his reaction.

we spend around ten minutes looking around the shop, not really finding anything. we mostly couldn't afford any of them, so it was hard to find a good gift. "look at this, mattia!" i turn around to see kairi with a small dinosaur sweater in his hands, smiling fondly. i melted at the sight. kairi's gonna be such a good parent, i thought.

"aaannd, it's only ten dollars! we can afford this shit! we'll have like five more dollars to buy him a toy, too." i take the shirt and the toy we found a little later, which was a teddy bear who wore a cape, and who had the words "sunshine" sewed onto it's stomach. it's prefect because hope is the literal sunshine, kairi said. i give both items to the cashier, him being a little asian boy. "thank you," i started off, then looked at the name tag. "thank you, laettner." he smiled and told the next person in line to come.

"i hope hobi's gonna like this." i say once we're on our way to the kindergarten, and kairi nods. "i'm sure he will, don't worry." when we get there, hope's already ready, his coat on and everything. his face lightens up at the sight of kairi and i, and he runs towards the both of us. "mama! daddy! how come you're here? i thought mrs. polibio was supposed to pick me up." i hugged him and we all started walking home, side by side. "well change of plans, kid. today's your birthday so we wanted to make sure we spent time with you."

we get to my house a few minutes later, and my eyes popped out my head at the sight of three teenage boys, fucking egging my house. "yo what the fuck!" i shouted, and all three of them turned around with an alarmed expression on their faces. one of them was tall and pale, and had curly brown hair. he was very attractive. the other had brown-ish hair, curly too. and the last one was a little darker than the two firsts. he was asian and also had curly hair.

"what the fuck are you guys doing?" i say, a frown covering my face. two of the boys were looking dead at us, while the other looked at my house, where he saw my dad standing. "guys.." he whispered. right then, the boy with the brown-ish hair said, "guys you know what..? imma bounce.", all while he ran away. "bItCh!" the little asian boy screamed, and his friends had the audacity to laugh in a situation like this.

↪︎ kairi's pov.

"well that was fucking crazy," i said. "never thought you'd get egged." the two boys left soon after having a deal with mattia's dad, which was that they'd have to help plan prom, since no one else volunteered. and they didn't have much of a choice but to accept, since they didn't want the police to come. the asian boy was names samy, a cute boy who seemed so innocent. and the other taller boy was mariano, who seemed a lot more bad boy-ish than samy.

"i kinda ship them though, not gonna lie." mattia scoffs. "yeah right. i don't see them as a couple. samy seemed too innocent for mariano." i raise an eyebrow, then look in mattia's desk drawer for money. "oh yeah? i put in 10$, saying that they'll end up like we did, a couple." i say, placing my 10$ on mattia's desk. "20$ saying they won't."

"it's on baby." hope comes in right after, mattia and i's gift in his hands. "oh hope, you found your present? come open it." he comes closer to us, and i pick his tiny body up to set him on the desk. his tiny mouth opens wide once he saw the shirt, and he smiled at us. "mamaaa! daddy! i love it!" mattia sighed, relieved hobi's happy with the gift.

"and there's a teddy! i love him, daddy!" he jumped off the desk and hugged both of us, then jumped a little to give us a kiss on the cheek, so mattia and i crouched down. "thank you so much!"

y'all see the link between my stories 🥴

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