Part 28

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My heart starts beating faster when I see his head turning slowly to my side.

I sit on the bed and a little smile appears in the corners of his mouth.

„Hey." He whispers with a raspy voice. I know I thought I can't cry anymore but I guess I was wrong.
I feel tears on my face, falling down on his hand.

„Hey." I whisper back and he strokes my hair behind my ear. I bring his warm soft hand to my mouth and start kissing it gently.
I missed this so much. Everything he did disappears for a second and I just want to be there for him.

„How are you feeling?" I ask him and his hand travels to my cheek.

„Okay I guess." He smiles.

And there it is... this horrible feeling.

„Why did you do that?" I ask him dropping another tear.

„I was upset. I don't want you to be with someone else when it can be me."  He sighs and wipes my tears away.

„No, I mean... why didn't you tell me about your girlfriend?"

His eyes narrow and I turn myself so that he looks at my back now.

„I- I broke up. I told her everything."
This sentence should give me some kind of satisfaction but it doesn't. I feel so sorry for her.

„I'm sorry for her." I say and mean it.
„You shouldn't have been drinking." I add.

"I know. I shouldn't have done a lot of things." He confessions.

I sit in silence and turn back to him.
„When will this all stop? I'm sick from all this pain and-" My thoughts travel to Hector.

„We can start afresh." I see a little sparkle in his beautiful eyes.

„Lets talk about this another time. You need some rest and the alcohol needs to come out of your body completely." I suggest and try to smile. The way his face looks make me sad and anxious.
I need to leave the problems alone just for today. I know he doesn't feel good and it's not my job to confront him right now.

„Can you stay with me?" He asks and I pull his hand to my chest.
The way he just asked me to stay with him want me to forget about everything that ever happened... but that's ridiculous.

„Of course I will." I reply softly and he smiles a little.

I make myself comfortable besides him. I want to lay on his chest but I know I can't. Because of the pain Hector had caused.
He tries to put his arm around me and hisses from the pain.
When I look him in the eyes I swear I could drown in it. They're so beautiful just like everything else about him.
He shows me a cute smile and I smile back. I don't know why but I feel the need to kiss him. To kiss every single inch of his cute, good looking, hot face.

„I've missed you." He stops smiling and stares into my goddamn soul.
I stay quiet and just stare back.
Our eyes try to communicate and it works. By the way he looks at me I can tell how much he wants to kiss me just like I do but there's this uncertainty in our eyes. We don't know if we should. We don't know it it's right. We both want the feel this kind of fire again. We need and want the way we make each other feel. I can see it.
His hand goes up to my cheek, slowly.
I move closer to him so that our lips are only a few inches apart. The only thing I feel is his warm breath against my cold face. I swallow loudly. This tension between us make me suffer and my heart beat is way too fast. It feels like I've never kissed him before. I'm so nervous and this makes me want to kiss him even more. I see him biting on his lips and I'm lost in his eyes. Our lips finally touch and it feels so good. It feels so good to kiss someone you like. We never kissed like that before. We kiss slowly without rush. We enjoy every second that we have right know. Our lips move along just like they are made perfectly for each other. I feel Mattias tongue trying to reach mine and I let that happen, they now play with each other and I pull his hair slightly what  makes him pull me closer by my waist.
I can taste the bourbon on his lips but I don't mind. I know I drive him insane. I know how much he wants me but I know that he knows how much I want him too. We are perfect for each other, I'm sure. We can't spend a day without each other. We are obsessed with each other and that's what keeps us together.
We both pull away now him biting one last time on my now bourbon tasting lips.
I keep my eyes closed for a few seconds just to realize how much I liked this. This slowly, passionate kiss.

When I open my eyes I can't hide my big smile. It feels like all that pain is gone and that's just because I kissed him. He makes me so happy but so sad at the same time.
His eyes turn sad and I wonder what's going on in his head.

„Did you... you know, sleep with him?" He asks unsure and I can hear his worry voice.

He has to be kidding.

„No, of course I don't." I'm disappointed.

„Okay." He whispers.

„Mattia, I could never. I'm not a bitch." I want him to tell that I only want to do 'that' with him but I can't.

He doesn't respond and I decide to kiss him on the cheek.
It's the uncomfortable silence between  us now that makes me insane and I have to break it

„We need to sleep a little." We say at the same time.

I can't help but laugh a little and he smiles.

„Well then, good night... I guess." Mattia says.

„Good night." I whisper and close my exhausted, heavy and swollen eyes.

Boy of my dreams <<Mattia Polibio🦖Where stories live. Discover now