Part 36

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It's now 8:30 and I'm on my way to Hector's. I'm kinda afraid tho... he really hurt me the last time we saw each other. He grabbed my hand and didn't let go of it but damn I'm not a pussy.

I am standing in front of his door staring a hole on it. Should I? It's not too late to go and I can talk to Mattia and he could get my stuff. No. They will beat each others asses.
Okay. I'm going to do it.
I close my eyes take a deep breath in and ring the door. My heart stings and I'm fucking nervous. Oh fuck this was a bad idea. Just go.
I turn around but stop when I hear the door opens.

„Look who we have here. Who would have thought." He says with a toothpick in his mouth and I forget why I'm even here.

„I- I just want to-"

„To apologize? Oh sweetie that's not necessary." He says sassy and steps closer.

„That's what I would never do, not after what you said." I take a step closer too and ball my fists.

„Wow hold on, calm down." He licks his bottom lip making me stare on them.

„Why are you here?"

„To- To take my stuff." I look up to him, pretending like he doesn't have any influence on me when I know he has.

„You don't mind if I keep some of your sexy slips?" He grabs my waist but I try not to look at him.

My 'sexy' slips? Is he serious? What a jerk.

„No! Now give me my clothing... and I mean every single thing in my fucking suitcase. That includes my 'sexy' slips." I'm surprised by my courage to be so directly.

„Alright, but you have to take it by yourself." He leads me inside and I step into his house.
Bad idea. Bad idea. Bad idea.

I look him in the eyes and he looks to his room. When I step inside I see my pink ugly ass suitcase in the corner of his room. I grab it as fast as possible and turn around but Hector blocks my way.

„Let me out." I command trying not to be afraid of him when I actually am.

„Why should I?" He laughs and locks his room making me swallow loudly.

„Let-me-out." I say again but he does literally nothing.

„Only when you hear me out..."

What? Okay wait.
Hear him out? So he's not going to rape me or something. Thank god!

„Hear you out? Why should I. I think you said enough and why locking your fucking room?" I say pissed cross my arms.

„Yep, that's exactly what I thought. I only locked the room in case you would run away." He says calmly. Why is he acting like a fucking angel?

„So anyway. I don't want to hear anything from you and now let me go."

„I didn't want to say that." He blocks me again from going out.


„For real? You really think I believe you?" I huff and furrow my eyebrows.

„Listen, I don't know if you can see... but you are Mattia's toy. I only said that so that he would fuck off and leave you alone. You are his fucking victim. Stop looking through your rose-colored glasses!" He sits in his bed and watches me. He tries to stare into my soul but I break the gaze.

„You know what? Maybe I am his toy, maybe he only 'plays with me' but I know that he would never... NEVER beat the crap out of someone who is drunk and I mean real drunk." I walk towards him, feeling the tears making their way down on my cheek.

„I know. And I'm sorry but you deserve someone better."

„Someone better? You better not mean yourself because you are no better than Mattia." I take a breath to push my anger away.

„Then why did you kiss me? I know it wasn't only an accident." He tries to make me feel unsure and my thoughts go wild.

„Please. I can make you feel way better than he can. Let me show you." Within seconds he is standing in front of me, taking my cheek making my pulse raise abruptly.

„No. I don't want anything from you. I just want Mattia and that's all." I pull away, take my suitcase and walk straight to the door.

„You will regret it-"

„And you will regret for not letting me out." I interrupt him.

„Okay. Just say you never want to see me again and I will let you go. I will never talk to you again and I will apologize to Mattia."

I am hesitating. This is my chance to make me and Mattia be together without drama... but there's something holding me back and I don't know what. I hate this feeling.
I look at him and see his sad eyes and his sad lips asking for some kisses.

„How did you know I was a virgin?" I try to change the subject.

„The way you talk, just the way you are. So green, if you know what I mean."

Green? I'm not green at all.

„Hector just please let me out." Talking about my virginity isn't the best idea I guess.

„Only if you say it."

I can't. But I need to. But I can't.

„I never want to see you again and leave me and Mattia alone." Saying this makes me feel like crying. He was there for me when Mattia wasn't. Shit. What have I done.

„Say it again."


„Just say it."

„I- I don't want go see you ever again." I nearly whispers and he opens the door so I step outside. I rush down the stairs with tears in my eyes and when I finally am outside he shuts the door behind me.
I sit on the floor and start crying whilst searching for Mattia's phone number.

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