Part 32

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We make our way to Lilly's and I meet her mom. She's a very nice young woman. She has brown hair and wonderful deep green eyes. She's a bit shorter than me and she's happy for me being here.
Never expected that but... that's great.

„When will you get your stuff?" Addy asks me and I really don't know. I lift my shoulders and shake my head a little bit.

„I don't know to be honest. He's mad at me an I don't want to hear his complains and so on.... if you know what I mean."

„Hell yes, boys can be so dramatic." Addy ads and I smirk a little while helping Lilly to carry my blanket.

„So guys, what are we going to do today?" Elena asks and clap her hands and I can tell she is a party animal just like Addy. Lilly by contrast, is far more calmer than all of us. She could be the mother of the group.

„What about partying?" Addy looks for some alcohol in Lilly's shelves.

„No way! Not in my house tho. I have bad experiences with that." Lilly laughs nervously and closes the closet door Addy just opened where her bras lie. She turns red and give us all an embarrassed smile to change the subject.

„Then lets just look for another place. I mean there are a lot people partying today." Elena swipes on her phone, searching for some parties today.

„I bet." Lilly adds.

„I can ask Ale..." Addy says after thinking about it a few minutes.

Uhm well I don't know if that's a good idea since he's the best friend... well he was the best friend of Mattia.

„Yes that's a good idea." Elena puts her phone away and faces us.

Addy nods and start calling Ale.
When he finally gives in I catch myself looking at Elenas happy dance. I giggle a bit and she hugs Addy.
„But there's still one question... can Vallyk come? Please?" She begs and made a cute looking face.

„Yeah of course I know Ale wouldn't mind." Her eyes travel to me. „Mattia will be there too...." She looks sorry for me.

How awful.

„It be like that sometime." I reply without any emotions.

„Well girls, time to get readyyyyy." Elena tries to hit those high notes and I have to safe my ears.
Addy and Elena rush into the bathroom to do their make up and I take my time to thank Lilly.

„You're welcome and my mom likes you I mean that's perfect. I needed a little more variety." She continues to draw her already prefect eyebrows.
„Oh and by the way what do you want to wear?" She points to her closet and I smile.
I walk over and looked trough her clothes.
Wow she has a lot of fancy dresses. My eyes go wide and stop. I already see myself in these clothes. I take them and give Lilly a last smile before rushing into the bathroom.

(That's what you Y/n wears.)


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