Chapter 42

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I was about to turn off the lamp when I heard my phone ring. Groaning, I pushed my duvet off and walked to my nightstand to retrieve it but it turned out to be a strange number when I checked and I hesitated, for a moment before finally picking it up.

    At first I thought it was 'the unknown' and I was secretly eager, but when I heard a male pleading voice, I realized it was otherwise. Villains voices are supposed to be maniacal, I thought.

     “Hello, Is this Catherine Collins?” The voice asked and on the other end, I could here the sounds of some papers being rummaged and I assumed they were from the press.

    “Yes. It's me” I replied and the voice sighed before saying..

    “Sorry for the inconvenience, I am Payne Martin, Edward's manager and I have something important to request of you. Please don't say no”

    I was caught unprepared and for a moment was speechless before recovering half of my wits. Why would Edward's manager be calling me by this time? Is he even Edward's manager or an imposter? Why would he be calling ME? Those questions were floating in my head and I forced them down before clearing my throat.

    “If it is within my capacity, then I will think about it.” It wasn't a yes or no as I knew better than anybody to not put myself in a tricky situation.

   “Sure, Sure. Eeh so there is this show, 'Thirty days of Christmas' that Edward got signed up for early this year and he was cool with it. But suddenly, tonight on the night of the show, he decided not to attend and even repeatedly threatened that if I were to disturb his sleep, he would leave the industry for good. No matter how hard I try to convince or reason with him, he just wouldn't listen. So am left with no other option than you. I know he values your friendship really much and would listen to everything you say. So can you please help me convince him to attend the show? Please just do me this favor, I promise to repay you whenever I have the chance”

    I went silent and mulled over his words. First, I came to a conclusion that his words aren't entirely true, especially that friendship part and I have long thrown the suspicion that he might not be Edward's manager to the back of my mind. In fact, I was even wondering whether it was Edward who gave him my number and asked him to say these things.

    After thinking for a while, I saw there was no harm in trying so why not? Plus I would even be able to discover what tricks they have up their sleeves this time. But the problem is do I really have the courage to call Edward? I think the answer is No.

     “I'll try to talk to him, but don't expect much, especially since we aren't that close” I felt I needed to let him know that.

    With a final thank you that he repeated for like a hundred times, he finally hung up.


   Standing up, I opened the blinds and walked over to the balcony to sit. I looked outside and used the night view as a distraction before  going through my contact list and dialed Edward's number.

    Just when I thought he wouldn't pick, his line went through and almost immediately, a raspy, almost sleepy voice sounded from the phone. For absolutely no reason, my cheeks heated up and the words I was about to say got stuck in my throat.

      “Hi” I greeted and I heard him groan a hi back. I was suddenly short of words. Wasn't it supposed to be easy?

   “Umm how are you?” I added and was sure he must have suspected something at this point.

   “Am fine. Is that why you called? To ask whether am okay or not? Since when did you start to care” He didn't even leave a leeway for me as he bombarded me with questions and I couldn't help but curse him in my head. Shameless shameless and heartless.

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