Chapter 59: More Flashbacks

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       Since this is simply what you guys want, I'll give you clues that links up what has happened in the past and what is still happening in the future.

Background song:Young Dumb and broke by Khalid

       I already knew I would get detention so why bother being worried about it. Hopefully,it ends today. I had been seeing much of Jenny and Rose lately( more than I would appreciate). Those guys are devils covered up in beautiful skin. Not.

        They were completely different from what the whole school had pictured them to be. Yes I agree to the fact that they are Rude, annoying,abusive and other things like that but yet I am a living witness to their sincerity,trust, confidence, teamwork and all that I had been noticing these days.  They always hung out with me,tell me their secrets, make hilarious jokes, drink wine of course with me excluded. I am not an heavy drinker,in fact I almost never drink but they do.


        “Am going psycho at this point. My credit card has been cancelled” Jenny whined,her inability to take alcohol consuming her. I simply nodded. Not .

        Rose snickered at Jenny's misfortune and gave her her last wine. Jenny clung to it like it was her new baby and I just watched them share rare affection.

         “Hey Bey. Aren't you gonna help..Our Jenny will die anytime soon” I smiled in a not so secretive way and Rose cocked her eyebrows making me cock my eyebrows too. It's as glaring as it was that she hated my guts but sometimes she can be soo nice that I forget my insecurities.

          Friends or not I am not going to help Jenny out of her no-alcohol misery and the nickname Bey? I begged them to stop calling me that but they just wouldn't. It had accidentally slipped off my mouth when I told them about my Grandma which of course includes the nickname she gave me. Bey. Hearing it reminds me of my grandmother. I didn't appreciate having to hear that nickname from them but since they were too hard to convince, I gave up.

           “You know I hate you guys right?”I replied,my voice dripping with sarcasm.

             “We love you more” Jenny and Rose said in unison as they pulled me for a hug and I broke loose after a few minutes

            “ That doesn't work on me you know. I still ain't helping you guys”

              “Please Cat. I promise to never call you Bey. ”

                 “Am used to it anyways. Why don't you beg Rose instead. After all she is the daughter of the almighty director of brain”

       She shifted uncomfortably on the chair and I shot her a too-wide-to-be-real smile. My goal was to make her mad. Always. So help me God.


              “How about this”  Rose started,keeping us in the dark. I knew she was doing it intentionally and I wasn't going to give her what she wanted. Yeah call me highly competitive whatever.

          “How about we form a group of rich I mean Billionaire girls and mug them of their money” Rose suggested and I and Jenny looked at each other before bursting into laughter.

          “I used to think you were psychotic but this ?it confirmed my suspicions”Jenny blurted out and I knew it hurt Rose but what could the poor girl do?she hadn't even had alcohol all day.

           “Ok guys. Better idea. Like Rose said,we create a group with people of our class( stinkingly rich kids) and instead of mugging them of their money we are going to do something else”

          “What is it?” Jenny chimed in,swallowing my ideas like alcohol. Ok. Fine. I used that word because everything related to that girl is alcoholic . Except for me.

              “Power”We are going to become the most powerful girls on campus. More powerful than BRAIN”

        JENNY stroked her chin,pondering over it while Rose stayed unmoved. I guess that's how she ponders over things.

         “Am in ”

        “Same here alco”

        But there is a problem here. We don't have a name. To be able to posess such power we need to have a powerful name and most importantly we need to do something to sway people's attention like break the school. Not in that way but I think you get it.

            “ The Empire. That's the name”

           Jenny made a victory sound as she swayed her hips to the stupid music she just played.

    “Guys come on. Join the celebration”

        And that's what we did. We swayed bumped shook our hips to the music like idiots but who could blame us?


      As I mentioned earlier we need to do something to break the school but what I don't know is what.

       Stroking my chin, I walked back and forth wondering what exactly I had to do to gain that title. My phone rang just at the moment and my train of thoughts was interrupted. Rose's name flashed brightly on the caller ID and I wished she has come up with a solution. If not. I don't know but I think I might kill her.

       “Hey ”i greeted in a not so friendly voice and I was sure she didn't mind either.  She would rather be doing anything than call me and I hope its worth it

         “i know what to do” she said. No courtesy.

          “what's it? ”i asked curiously.  I knew she was going to spill it anyways but curiosity is killing me.  I knew that exactly was what she wanted. She lived seeing people curious.  'It makes me feel in control' she once said with an evil smirk plastered on her face.

          “Cather you have to date a member of BRAIN . ”

        Right now am as clueless as a three year old kid trying to find out how two multiplied by two is four and not twenty two. Why me?

            “ooh. I forgot you are dumb” she said quietly but loud enough for me to hear. That   Bitch . “You don't have to. Like date them. You just have to make them fall in love with you. Then gather their secrets and use it against them”' which includes threatening them into working with us.' I added for her.

           “  why should it be me? ”i asked.  There is no way am going to do such a crude task. There is no way am going to use myself for some sort of fame.

             “Its either you or no one else”

            “And why is that? I mean there is no way am doing such a thing. I refuse to be used for a stupid reason. ”

               “Does that mean you'll agree if I put it in a more mature way? ”

              “ There is no matured way of saying this.  I refuse to be used. You know what? next time  when you have ideas.  Keep it to yourself.”    I was about to hang up when I heard her mutter.

           “Fine. I'll do it”

   “I don't think you get my point. No one is using no one. ”

      “Ok.  Fine.  We will find out their secrets in a more secretive way.  Just follow my lead. ”

      “ whatever” I replied before hanging up.



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  Trailer:How about now? ”She suggested as she didn't even wait for my reply before taking a u turn and speeding down the road.

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