Chapter 56: Yup

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  Monday, July 15

  It's been exactly a month since Cather had been in a coma and a lot has changed. Kara, was caught in Mexico, after the couple hired a private investigator, she was tracked down in San Francisco, Mexico and according to the investigator she was running a big restaurant and had made it big.

  That fact alone was enough to prove all their suspicions right as it was almost impossible for someone they were on good terms with to flee without even doing as much as informing them.

   Two weeks after, she was arrested and charged with attempted murder, to which she pleaded innocent. But when more evidences was brought up and her son was brought into the pict, she immediately confessed to her crimes, the week after she was sentenced to five years in prison.

  However except admitting her crime and pleading guilty, she refused to say anything more. It was rather disturbing as David could sense there was more to it and even went ahead to make a bold guess. That she was doing it under a payroll.

    It was even more obvious that an unknown force was helping her behind the scenes as her sentence was just too light. As a lawyer of course he had witnessed many cases like this, especially when the plaintiff was from a wealthy or reputable family, he knew he needed to be patient, as he was well aware if it wasn't for his fame and experience, things could have been even far worse.

They haven't heard from her son since then and it was like he disappeared into thin air, but there was still much time and it has only been a month, considering the speed at which they handled it, they could be considered as super fast.

  Catherine's case wasn't really looking up as the doctor claimed there was nothing wrong with her but mentally, she was fighting some memories. It was like she was trying so hard to keep some things in and her heart was suppressing the memories that were forcing themselves to surface

  Right now, she was battling mentally and it would be up to her to wake up or not. White hair started becoming quite noticeable on her parent's hairs and even the usually annoying Junior had toned down a lot.

   Their lives went on normally as it has always been, thankfully her mom had settled things with the firm earlier so she didn't have to worry about any emergencies coming up.

    Cherry had already moved in with her daughter the following week as she claimed she didn't want to go through the stress of having to drive there everyday. But how couldn't David know what she was worried about? He knew clearly that under that Façade of a calm and collected lawyer was a strong, warm, kind and loving mom. She was afraid her daughter would be lonely. She blamed herself for not spending enough time with her daughter and therefore allowed this to happen to her.

   Yes she blamed herself, which is clearly why she decided not to make the same mistake twice, From now n she would always make time for her daughter, be it day or night, no matter how stressed out or busy she might be. At night she would sit in the balcony just to look up and stare at  the sky, sometimes she would even count the stars as she prayed to each of them to grant her daughter safety.


     Countless times she would stay awake, drowning herself in self hatred, as she blamed herself for being so selfish. If she wasn't so selfish, so distant, perhaps things wouldn't have ended up like this. Perhaps it wouldn't be that worst.


   She had started growing skinnier as she paid less attention to her appearance. She couldn't remember the last time she looked at herself in the mirror. Was it three days ago? Or four days? A week? Or a month.

   Yes a month, Cather has been lying in a vegetative state for the past forty days. Her condition didn't get better, neither did it get worst, in fact, if it wasn't that they could still feel her heartbeat, God forbid they would have thought that she had died.

   The atmosphere was complety tense in the doctors office and both parties were quiet, so quiet that they could hear, their light breathing. she felt that she was more closer to her daughter than before, and was able to do all that she neglected when she was a child, like telling her bedtime stories, tucking her in bed and doing the basic things that mothers do for their children.

   She was too busy then and had all that responsibility entrusted ti her nanny and it was funny how that same nanny ended up taking advantage of them and even going as far as endangering her child's life. She would cry herself to bed every night and critically blamed herself for pitting her daughter in that condition.

  If she hadn't been so busy and entitled to her job then she probably wouldn't have hired a nanny and the nanny probably wouldn't have came after her daughters life. There were a lot of what ifs but right now the last thing she wanted to do was regret the things she could have prevented. Hsd she been close to her daughter and not dedicate those hours to her work and instead take time to get close with her daughter at least that wouldn't have happened.

  Daniel didn't blame her for anything, as he was in it more than her. He also felt he had failed her as a father. When was the last time they had a heart to heart talk like a normal daughter and father? Aside going on useless make up holidays and traveling around the world to defend people and spread his reputation what else had he done deserving as a father? Nothing. Instead he had his wife who could have filled that void come to work with him everyday.

   He would always think it was her choice. She didn't want to be a sit at home mom and wanted to work, and it was only right that he respected her decision. However ge had forgotten that the renowned Daniel's and Co firm was built from nothing. He was a son of a nobody and met his wife cherry in college. Despite having nothing she stood by him and piece by piece together, they built what is the name they had now.

   He had never for once thought what his wife's real intentions was, she attended a law school of course she wants to be a lawyer, was his mindset and never had he asked her of her own plans. Thinking back he hsd made a lot of mistakes in his life that he didn't think he could rekindle but if he could go back in time, he would chsbfe everything. But unfortunately there was no polls for regret and all that they could do was msje sure they Perdue the case to the end and Mahe sure their daughter doesn't suffer unjustly.



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