Chapter 10: I Love You

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   Cather's P.O.V
    I suddenly felt his hands on mine,drawing me out of the Class. I tried to escape but his grip was so tight. We got to the gym and he halted. "what's the meaning of that??" I asked angrily. I tried to filter my emotions but I just couldn't. "You couldn't endure it?? " I asked further. He looked at me with a blank face, probably because he didn't understand my point.

    "Endure?? You dare say that word?? I came to this fucking school cause of my fucking parents who just didn't want me to stop my education. I am not meant for school.. I had my  career.. I derived joy from singing and doing whatever I want but what happened next.. I had to relocate. Every single day I spend here always reminds me of the pain I will always feel " he lamented, not sparing himself a single breath. I didn't understand what he was saying. He owns a band?? He doesn't like school??. I know that some people just sit down and tell themselves that they aren't meant for school. It's never possible maybe for me at least.

   I experience a lot of hardships in school but only one thing keeps me going.. I don't know if my mom said it to comfort me or it just slipped out of her mouth when I got bad grades in my elementary schools. "You are who you are and you design who you want to be" . Since then, I put in more effort in school and became one of the best students.

    "nobody is meant for school, you have to define who you are" I said, half encouraging him half pitying him. He left the gym with no word and I didn't bother to go after him. I had to swallow up my fears and went back to the class. I was already used to people pointing and gossiping about me so I didn't find that as a problem. The teacher continued her explanation and I looked at the window several times to see if he was coming but he didn't. Class finally ended and I moved to my next class.

        "Did he by any chance kiss you??" Becca asked curiously. "eew no" I replied in disgust. "you wouldn't mind it tho "shayne added, taking a bite of her hamburger "yeah it's no more fun to have virgin lips" Becca joked, in agreement with Shayne. "will you stop it already " I yelled and shayne stuck out her tongue in reply. We all bursted into laughter and continued our meal. The bell rang and we went to our various classes.

   I took a seat and not long after, the teacher entered. The door opened again and Andrew entered with his hoodie on as usual. He sat beside me and focused as if his life depended on it. I was very surprised that I couldn't stop looking at him. Our eyes met and he winked at me before jotting down some points. I digressed my attention back to the teacher and also noted some things.

   "make sure you do the assignment given to you. OK guys till tomorrow" our biology teacher finished, rounding up the class. I packed my things and looked beside me. He was also packing his books. I tried to start a conversation with him but I stopped. I took my things to the locker and I was a bit scared when I got there.

    "hey dude " Marcos greeted, leaning on my locker."Hi Marcos" I replied, looking around to see if anyone was looking and sure enough they were.. "what are your plans for Saturday? " he asked. "Hmm nothing yet" I replied, not sure about why he was asking.

   "OK. Let's have lunch together then... You can't refuse it " he requested, giving me that puppy look.. "OK fine. 3:00" I said, agreeing to his request. "awwn I knew you want to" he said pulling me in for a hug. I hugged him back but immediately broke the hug so I won't be late for class." I'll pick you up. Just call me" he yelled and I waved at him in return..


         OK so that was a short one. What do you think?? Juliana will soon be in the picture so watch out for the next episode..Don't forget to vote, comment and share. Till next time.. Byeee.


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