Chapter 46

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I didn't want to call Lisa, since she would still be on the road and calling my mom would only lead to me exposing myself. But I still needed to get out of here right l

    At some point, I got tired and stopped to take a breather, when I looked around, I saw that I hadn't walked far, but at least I was making progress. Suddenly, I heard light footsteps, it was so light I almost thought I misheard but I have too long known that I was sensitive to sounds, so it should be true.

   Without thinking twice, I jacked my elbow to the back and heard someone moan loudly. My first instinct was to tin and so I did and ran as fast as my legs could take me but within minutes, the footsteps drew closer and closed and with a loud evil chuckle, I blacked out.

     I woke up to pains, from within my bones and I tried to move my legs, but couldn't no matter how much I tried. I stopped trying and opened my eyes despite the difficulty. When I took in my surroundings, I saw I was in an unfamiliar place, which looked like a warehouse.

    The room was so dark that I couldn't even see my fingers. I only got to know that it was a warehouse through the faint light, that was we peeping through the window. Ejnc the light was only enough to shoe the piled up boxes behind it. I knew I needed to calm down, but no matter how hard I think, I couldn't come up with anyone who could wish me dead of even go as far as implementing it.

   Suddenly, I heard someone clear their throat and I looked around, I couldn't make out any figure cause it was pitch black and I was sure I wouldn't have been aware of their presence if I didn't hear their voice.

    “Who is it?” I unexpectedly was clam, probably because I have never found myself in such a situation. I knew there was no point fretting over it. What is done is done, the next course of action is what I should focus on.

  This person probably kidnapped me for a random and it wasn't like my parents lack the money so it would be no problem. I tried to think positive, anything to distract my optimistic state of mind.

  I heard the person chuckle again, and it was exactly like the last one I heard before I blacked out. I figured it was the same person and the kidnap might have been done individually.

  His footsteps got closer and closer. He was particularly trying to be quiet, as his steps was extremely light but because I was super sensitive to sounds, I could hear it clearly.

  I knew when he came behind me, and didn't even make attempts to turn my head, since there was no point and just waited patiently for what he was about to do next.

   “You're quite brave.. I like that!” his claps sounded from behind me and the next minute, he switched on the light. His face was illuminated under the glove and I raised my head to study his features. In case I would need it later for a portrait of him when I make a testimony.

   I was positive that I would be Rescued, my dad is the almighty Barrister Daniel's and even if he doesn't rescue me! I was sure I would find a way out and I would make him pay for every minute of torture he makes me go through.

   However, that is for later and for now, I needed to think of the matters at hand. He pulled out a chair that I didn't notice was in fronft of me and sat down. He scrutinized me under his gaze and I stared back unflinching.

  In a closer look, he wasn't at all good looking and was instead ugly. He has a ghastly scar that extended from his right cheek to his chin and it made him look scary. To be honest, I was scared for a minute but when I figured out his cause, I buried my head and looked at my knees.

   “Who are you?” I managed to ask in an almost inaudible tone. I wasn't sure if he could hear and whether he was going to reveal himself or not, but I felt like I needed to know. I have the right to know why I am being treated like this.

    I saw him smirk, as he picked up an apple and bit on it. He looked  scary doing that and I found myself looked away. He tapped on the metal rod he was holding and I counted every time his fingers you h it. One two three.. Nine ten. Om the count of ten, he suddenly stopped and stood the rod gently beside me.

   “I am trustian” I heard him say as he extended his hands for a handshake and withdrew it when he saw I didn't move.

   Honestly, my hands was tied to a chair and if at all I intended to move, how was I supposed to? I hated that I couldn't voice out my opinions and just kept staring at my knees.

    “haha, you asked for who I am and now that I tell you, is this the attitude I get?” His voice was extremely sharp and it sent shivers through my bones. Then he started laughing, since the place was almost empty, his laughter resounded throughout the room and the echo only added to my fear.

   Before I knew it, I felt a burning pain in my abdomen and I groaned. Another punch landed after the other and by the time he stopped landing punches on me, I was in so much pain. That I was starting to see stars.

  My vision blurred out and I wanted to clutch my stomach in my hand and cry, but I wasn't able too as I was bound to a chair. I gritted my teeth and endured it. I started forming random things in my head, anything to distract myself from the pain. But it wasn't working.

  I swallowed my saliva and I felt it was somehow salty and after, my throat got choked and I coughed out blood? I was surprised when I saw it and the worst thing was I couldn't wipe it off. I became even more frustrated when I saw an evil smirk form on his lips.

    “Who sent you to kill me? How much did they pay you? I'll double it” I tried to reason with him when I saw my stubbornness wasn't helping the matters but he just kept staring at me.

    “I believe you should know some things since you won't live past today, and actually we have all the time in the world so why not?” He appeared to be deep in thoughts after he finished that sentence and I kept quiet, anything to buy more time.

    “Like I told you earlier, I am Tristian, The arsonist your father put behind bars. OK you probably are clueless about your father's matters and might not know me, but what can I do.. Look” he dropped the hockey stick he was holding as he raked his hands through his hair ,he paced back and forth for a while before sitting back down.

    “of course, kidnapping you was a last minute decision and I wouldn't have if your dad didn't have so much securities around him. Your mom and dad are bad bad people. Listen, they are responsible for your death and they are the ones who killed you. You should keoo that in mind. Look am a good person.. A very good person and your parents are the bad people” his voice got choked midsentence and I assumed he was crying.

     He probably had some mental illness and I finally had him where I wanted him. The rest I had to do was make some things up to buy time, or maybe gain his trust this minute he let his guard down.

  I pushed my feet against the ground and tried to move my chair closer to him, he stood up in alert when he noticed my movement and the loon on his face changed. I quickly tried to calm him down before he dies more things to hurt me.

   “Listen Tristian. I know you are a very good person” I started and I kept staring at his eyes, trying to communicate with mine as I withstood how disgusting his scar looked..

   “Yes am a good person. You know that right? Right?” He moved closer to me as he muttered repeatedly and I closed my eyes before nodding.

   “Yes you are a really good person. And I know you are doing this because, because you have no choice” I took in a deep breath. “You want to get revenge, but at the same time do not want to hurt me right?” I tried to push when I saw he was sober and he nodded repeatedly.

   “And I know you do not want to do this but is forced to. You're left with no other choice. But am your friend. Tristian and you shouldn't hurt your friends. I know you do not want anything bad to happen and is probably afraid I might tell on you. That's why you tied me up right? But here I am maintaining a proper conversation. It's the same thing whether am untied or not. I can feel your pain and relate with you” He gradually put down his guard, little by little and when I saw that the look in his eyes poses no more threats, I tried to convince him.

   “so untie me now and let's have a heart to heart conversation” I scruinted my brows when I finished to see how he was going to react, fingers crossed he cooperates. Slowly, he moved closer to me and helps me untie my wrist.


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