Chapter 49:

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Its been seven days now and I haven't heard even a word from Edward. It was just like what I saw then was a dream, he didn't even give me a call, not to talk of pay me a visit. I knew he wasnt entitled to it, but I tried to reason it as he saved me he should try to check up on me.

  I became addicted to the show he was casted in, and every night, I would watch his good looking face, his movement and everything at all, either as he diceminated the fish, or him nagging about something unsefious, i would laugh, frown and even make faces at him, like he was there with me.

  I even wondered if he might have lost my number, because why wouldn't he have called me since this days? Or does he not care for me? Or am I the one ovetthinking things? I groaned as I buried my head under the duvet.

  I have healed over the past few days and now I can move and sleep on my side, but my movements was restricted to my bed, I couldn't walk yet and the doctor said I was making fast progress.

   I should be happy about it, but I couldn't bring myself to be as all that occupied my mind was Edward. I would be lying if I said I knew why. Like I found that I have been thinking if him more and I wanted to see him badly

   I reached my hand for my nightstand and pulled out my phone from one of the drawers. My mom had kept it there, when she thought I wasn't watching, with the excuse that I wouldn't have enough rest if I had it with me. As reasonable as that sounds, it was funny that she was the same person that would hide such within my reach.

  I scrolled through my contact list, something that has became my usual routine and stopped at Edward's number. I was hesitant to dial it because what if he makes fun of me? Or he thinks I like him? Or he teases me about it? No no no. And then there is the debate, the phase before giving up.

  I was about to put my phone back when it vibrated and I was stunned when I saw who the caller was. I cleared my throat as I brought it to my ears.

   “hi?” I realized my voice sounded too excited and decided to tone it down. “I mean why are you calling me”i could swear if he hung up the ogone right now I would regret my words but I had my pride to keep.

   “Ooh well since you don't want to talk to me then there is nothing elemse I am do about it. I guess it's a goodnught then”

   “wait wait don't hang up yet” I hastily stopped him and realized I might have been too excited. Nevwrtheless, now wasn't the time to be worried about that so I wicked in my pride and said.

    “Why didn't you call me akk this days?” I sounded like a nagging

   “Sorry” that was all he said. I was suroriw d by his reply as I expected him to tease me but then again I realized I should be mad. Sorry that I wasn't important or sorry that he doesn't have my time?

   I suddenly became furious and didn't want to talk to him anymore. I knew I was being unreasonable but I couldn't help it. In fact I also couldn't remember since when I started being like this too.

  “oh OK bye.” I replied blantky and was about to hang up when he stopped me.

  “Wait you're mad at me?” He must have sensed the change in my voice, well at least he still has a little bit of sense and I smirked before replying “No” and after, I hung up.

  My phone rang multiple times after that but I didn't pick it up and pushed it inside my nightstand before burying my head under the duvet. I noticed a bunch of sunflowers lying on the couch and I was far from surprised.

  It has always been like that, a new set of flowers everyday by my mystery admirer. Rationally, I was supposed to throw it away but I couldn't bring myself to so I stood up and placed it inside the flower pot I had my mom buy for me.

  Its been approximately one week since I have last taken my bath as I was told to keep my injuries away from water and the other rants I didn't bother to listen to. I was sure my dad would cut my head and offer it on an alter if he knows I have been walking without their knowledge, but it wasn't my fault as  I can't just lie on the bed like a vegetable and actually do nothing.

   I picked the novel I have grown addicted to over the days and sat by the chair at the balcony to read. When I started feeling sleepy, I closed the book and looked out the window. Watching the skies had became my newest hobby and I was living every minute of it.

  Suddenly, I heard noises from outside and I hurriedly jumped on the bed and pretended like I was asleep. The door opened and someone walked in with extremely light footsteps.

  I dealt the person lean and I knew immediately who it was when I smelled his fragrance. My heart started pounding loudly in my chest and I wondered how it hasn't managed to jump out yet.

    “hey sllepyhead” I heard him say as he flicked my forehead and I shifted to my side, before pretending to wake up.

   “who oh my God Marcus what are you doing here?” I feigned shock and tried to sit up, but suddenly Marcus leans and supported my back with his hands before helping me get up.

   “be careful, you'll hurt yourself” I was surprised by his gesture and stared at him in a daze. Our eyes locked for what felt like forever before I finally broke the silence.

  Clearing my throat, I shifted uncomfortably and he removed his hands from my back

   “Actually I have been bringing” He pointed at the sunflowers “These, and wondered if it was well received so I decifex to check”

  Everything seems to make sense now, apart from my friends, he is the only one I have told that I like sunflowers soo he is the what again? ANONYMOUS lover?

   “uh OK

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