Background [5]

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"So, Nicole, do you live near here?" Dean asked, trying to strike up any type of conversation. She crossed her arms, shotgun still in her right hand.

"Not since I was a child. Nowadays I don't live anywhere. There's a nice hunter by the name of Rufus who's been taking care of me for awhile though." She answered. Sam turned around in his seat.

"You know Rufus?" He asked. Her eyebrows raised.

"You guys know Rufus? Better yet, Rufus puts up with you guys?" She asked. Dean chuckled as Sam turned back around in his seat.

"I wouldn't say putting up with us is accurate. More like, gradually goes along with us. Alongside Bobby of course." Sam answered her. She seemed to perk up.

"You guys know Bobby? He's been great to me since I was a little kid." She smiled. Dean looked in his overhead mirror at her. Despite her rough look, her smile seemed to make it better to him.

"How do you know Bobby?"

"Well, when Alex and Mom died I ran away. Rufus found me, and despite me thinking he was going to kidnap and kill me, he fed me and gave me shelter. I wouldn't tell him where I lived cause I didn't want to go back. Eventually he started training me over time and told me about the things that hide under my bed at night," the three chuckled.

"Rufus was always a light spirit." Dean sighed.

"He introduced me to Bobby early on in my training. Sometimes Bobby would agree to have a little scuffle with me to see how fast I was, or how hard I could hit, or even if I could dodge quick enough. Sometimes the two would drink beer while watching me beat on a punching bag." She chuckled at the memory, and Dean could tell that she was fond of it.

"Do you want to call him?" Sam asked as he held out his phone. Bobby's contact lay on the screen waiting for her. She shrugged, taking the phone from him. Almost as soon as she hit call, Bobby picked up the phone.

"What's up, Sam?" He asked. Nicole smiled.

"I'm not Sam, but I'm flattered that you think I'm that hot." She told the phone. Sam scoffed while Bobby grunted.

"Who is this?" He asked. Nicole chuckled and rolled her eyes.

"Damnit, Bobby. Are you that old already? Can't even remember your favorite little girl?" She asked with a smile.

"Cole? Is that you?" He gasped. Nicole giggled.

"Hey Bobby boy." She smiled wider as he coughed in disgust.

"Wait, why are you on Sam's phone? Why are you with the Winchesters at all?" He asked.

"They interrupted my hunt."

"Are you too far deep with them?" He asked.

"Well, I'm already in their car. I figure so." She shrugged.

"So you can't run?" He joked.

"Nope." She answered as she popped the 'p'. The both of them chuckled.

"What were you hunting?"

"Mom." She answered simply.

"Elaina came back? How?" He questioned, sounding very flabbergasted.

"Vengeful spirit. How could she not? After Alex died she lost it. Not even Dad could calm her down." She rolled her eyes playfully as if he was asking a stupid question.

"We're here." Dean whispered. She nodded.

"Hey, I have to go. Gotta burn my Mom." She joked. Bobby chuckled.

"Alright. If you're with the Winchester boys then I'll be seeing you soon. Just try not to spend too much time around Dean, since he attracts a lot of attention anyway. Take care of yourself, Cole." He told her. She giggled.

"Bye, Bobby." She smiled. He hung up the phone, and she handed Sam's phone back to him.

"Do you know which grave it is?" Dean asked. She nodded as he opened the door for her, allowing her to step out. He quickly shut it behind her.

"Bobby didn't seem very fond of the idea of me hanging around you." She told him. As he opened the trunk of his car.

"Yeah? Why's that?"

"Well, he says you attract a lot of attention. I don't know if he means from the big bads', or the ladies." She shrugged, gripping her shotgun tighter.

"A lotta both." He chuckled. She hummed.

"I see. Well, you may be hot but I have standards." She smirked. He leaned up to look at her with a smile.

"But what if I can meet those standards?" He asked. She chuckled.

"Are you saying you want to meet my standards? That would make you a very straight forward man, Dean Winchester." She told him. He rolled his eyes playfully before pulling out a can of gasoline, salt, and a small metal lighter.

"Is one of your standards burning your mother on the first date?" He asked as he flicked open the lighter and a flame lit up his face in the dark night. She giggled.

"I mean, I'd find that hot." She shrugged. He groaned.

"That is the worst dad pun I've ever heard." He told her as she followed him to the apposite end of the car. She smirked, happy with herself.

"Are you two done flirting yet so we can burn this thing, or should I give you another minute?" Sam teased. Dean nudged him.

"I'd give it a hot minute." He winked. Nicole laughed at the pun, making Dean smile again.

"See, it's tempting to make a bad joke!" She giggled. He rolled his eyes playfully.

"Whatever. You just like doing it anyway." He told her as they began walking to the front entrance of the cemetary Dean parked at. The gate read: "Ballard Cemetary", sending chills down Nicole's spine. She hadn't been here since her childhood with Rufus.

Nicole walked along the rows of tombstones, sliding her hand across each one she passed. Rufus lightly grabbed her shoulder and turned her down the right column. She looked down the row at the familiar pink roses sitting on a grave. Pink roses were her mother's favorite flower, so she knew instantly where she had to go. She ran forward, falling to the ground in front of the grave. Memories flashed in her head of when she was first born and her mother gave her all the attention she had. She began to weep, missing the presence of her loving parent.

"Cole.." Rufus said softly as he set his right hand on her left shoulder. She stood up, taking Rufus's hand in her own.

"I want to leave."

"Cole?" Sam asked. Nicole shook her head, looking over at him with a puzzled expression.

"Y-yes?" She asked. She realized she had spaced out for almost a total of five minutes, staring at the sign of the cemetary. She caught Sam's glance to his brother before his eyes landed back on her.

"Look, if this is too hard for you then feel free to stay in the car. Dean and I can do this." Sam suggested, aware of how difficult the situation could be for Nicole.

"That's sweet, Sammy. I'm fine." She smiled. Dean paused, realizing Sam had called her Cole and Nicole and called him Sammy. They were already comfortable with each other.

"Well, shall we?" Dean joked, trying to make her smile as he held out his arm for her. She rolled her eyes with a smile and pushed past him.

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