Getting Out [18]

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Nicole looked over at Dean, who was asleep on the floor in front of her. She wondered how he could have fallen asleep on the freezing cold concrete, she wouldn't have been able to do that at all. He looked unbelievably peaceful, and it made Nicole happy. As long as he wasn't in pain, she was happy. Her thoughts were interrupted by Dean yawning and sitting up.

"Morning. I think." She sighed. Dean blinked at her before his eyes dropped.

"It wasn't a dream." He sighed. Nicole shook her head and smiled at him weakly.

"Cole, you're shivering." Dean pointed out with concern laced in his voice. She looked down at her body to find that she was indeed shaking. She hadn't realized how cold she was until then. Dean pushed himself closer to Nicole and wrapped his right arm around her shoulder, allowing her to cuddle up to him. A comfortable silence fell over the room, and Nicole liked the way it felt.

"When we get out of here, I'm going to kill him." Dean stated sternly. She looked up at him, his green eyes meeting her hazel ones.

"You do that." She smiled teasingly and lightly slapped his cheek. He chuckled and set his chin on her head after she pressed her head to his chest.


"Hm?" Dean hummed in response as he closed his eyes and rubbed her right shoulder.

"When do you think we'll get out of here?" Nicole asked, scared to get any type of negative response. Dean tensed up, hearing the one question he'd been wondering himself.

"I don't know, but no matter what happens I'm going to keep you safe. I will kill everything that touches you, and I'm especially going to kill that alpha." Dean reassured her quietly. She nodded silently and yawned, nuzzling closer to him and laying her arms in his lap.

"Rest, beautiful." Dean whispered quietly. She didn't respond, leading Dean to assume she had already fallen asleep. He sighed and leaned his head against the bars of the side wall.

How long were they really going to be there?

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