Burn, Baby, Burn [6]

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Sam stuck his shovel in the ground, followed by Dean and Nicole. It was a particularly moist night, making the shovel's slippery against Nicole's feet.

"So, Dean. You said something about burning my mom on the first date." She grunted as she began digging up the soil in front of her mother's grave.

"You qualify this as a date?" Sam asked his brother with a skeptical glance. He chuckled.

"You both are influenced swines'." He told them. Nicole giggled.

"How's that, Dean?"

"Well, back in my day we would spend our dates picking berries, looking at flowers, and burning the corpse of the lady's mother in a satanic ritual." Dean told them in his best old man voice. Nicole laughed as he spoke, stopping her from digging as she covered her mouth with her hands. Sam chuckled at his brother, noticing the bond he had already created with Nicole. He knew that he didn't make friends with anyone outside of anyone he could trust, and it pleased Sam that Dean trusted Nicole already.

"Hey, I think someone should run back to the grocery store and keep watch for Elaina. Just in case someone shows up." Sam suggested. Nicole perked up.

"I can do that." She said as she dropped her shovel.

"Dean, you want to come with? You know, just in case I can't take Mom on alone?" She suggested. Sam smirked.

"Sure." Dean answered simply.

"So, I'll come find you guys after I finish up here." Sam told the two as he handed Dean the keys to the Impala. He nodded and took Nicole's side as she began walking towards the exit of the graveyard.

"Question. Can I drive?" Nicole asked. Dean paused, but kept walking. He only let certain people drive his car, and he wasn't entirely sure if Nicole would be one if those people.

"Fine." He answered as he handed her the keys to his car. She smiled as she took them from him.

"But don't hurt her, or I'll hurt you." He warned Nicole. She giggled before jogging up to the drivers side of the Impala. She ran her hand along the top of the car, taking in the essence of the beautiful structure.

"She's a beauty, ain't she?" Dean boasted. She chuckled.

"What do you call her?" Nicole asked, opening the squeaky driver door.



Nicole parked the Impala on the side of the road near the grocery store entrance, Dean soon climbing out.

"So, you started in hunting as a kid, too?" Nicole asked as she climbed out as well. Dean nodded.

"Well, I spilled all my juicy details. What's your story?" She asked as she took his side. The two started walking towards the back of the store. He chuckled softly.

"My Mom's name was Mary Campbell, and my Dad's name was John Winchester. They got married at a young age and ran away. When I was four, Dad found Mom on the ceiling in Sam's nursery. The roof caught fire, and Dad put little Sammy in my arms. He told me to run. Mom died, and Dad started hunting for the thing that killed her. Years later, he gives his life to the demon that took Mom's life so he can save mine. Sam and I find the demon and I get the chance to gank it. Dad saw everything, having escaped from Hell, and now he watches us from Heaven." He explained as minimum as he could. He had been trying to repress the memory ever since it happened, and ever since he got to see his mother after going back in time, it only made him more emotional. Nicole stopped him, grabbing the sleeve of his leather jacket. He looked in her now soft brown eyes.

"I'm sorry."

Dean nodded, since he had heard the same response before.

"I know I'm not as close with you as Bobby or Sam, but I want you to know that I really am sorry. Everything happens for a reason, and maybe it was destined for you to become a hunter. What happened to you as a kid shouldn't happen to anyone. What happened to me as a kid shouldn't happen to anyone. But they still do. That's why we're here to stop it, and that's why we're here tonight. You probably don't want my sympathy, but just know that I'm here if you need anything." She told him delicately. He nodded, repeating the last thing she said in his mind. They continued walking in a comfortable silence. Nicole hadn't let go of his sleeve.

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