Serpent [12]

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For the next few days, the only person Nicole would talk to was Dean. Every time Sam or Bobby would say something to her, she wouldn't even look up at them. The closest the two had gotten to her, was when Nicole looked up at Sam after he set down a plate of food for her. She wouldn't talk to him, however.

"Hey, Cole, it's Dean." Dean knocked lightly on the door as he entered. She looked over at him, her eyes softening. He smiled awkwardly, making his way over to her bed.

"How's Sam and Bobby. Have they found any interesting cases?" She asked as he sat down in front of her.

"Actually, that's what I'm here about. Sam found something, and we can't figure out what it is." He answered. She picked her head up.

"What's Bobby said about it? Could he find anything?" She asked, unfurling from the ball she had been stuck in for almost three hours.

"He has an idea, but we figure you're opinion would be as useful as his." He shrugged.

"What's the deal?" She asked, now interested.

"People are being paralyzed and dying down in North Carolina. Others are being mauled with what witnesses would say were very sharp and very big teeth." He answered, eyeing her suspiciously. She smiled and grabbed Dean's shoulders, his eyes immediately widening.

"You boys have got a nice, long trip ahead of you. We're going down to North Carolina to slay us a serpent." She grinned from ear to ear. Nicole knew exactly what she was about to hunt, having hunted one in the past. It was easy to kill if you were fast and flexible enough. Luckily, Nicole was both of those things. She grabbed the collar of Dean's jacket and pulled him behind her as she hurried downstairs. Both Sam and Bobby looked up at her as she entered.

"How do you guys not know what you're hunting? It's only the coolest monster ever." She smiled. Sam looked over at Bobby, who looked over at Dean. The three showed the same look of exasperation.

"Sammy, you're the book wiz, tell me you at least have some sort of idea." Nicole asked. She let go of Dean and hurried over to look at what he was reading. Her eyes scanned it quickly, and her face soon dropped.

"A vampire, really?" She asked the three.

"Add us to the loop, Cole." Dean shrugged. Bobby looked over at him and huffed. She rolled her eyes.

"Boys, it's a basilisk." She dragged her hand down her face.

"A bas-a-what?"

"A basilisk? Wait, the thing from Harry Potter?" Sam asked as he turned in his chair to look at Nicole. She nodded her head.

  "Well, they blotched it a little." She told him as she wiggled her hand.

"Can someone enlighten me on what a basilisk is?" Dean asked.

"A basilisk is a really big king snake. It paralyzes it's victims and feeds on them. It typically lives near water, and always stays under ground. It's easy to kill if you're fast on your feet." She explained, making her way to the front of the room.

"How do you know this?" Bobby asked, raising an eyebrow in her direction.

"Bobby, I've been doing this since I was thirteen. I worked a case like this one with a man that was a little to lean for my taste. He distracted it while I sent a finely sharpened katana through it's head." She shrugged as if that was a normal thing. Bobby huffed again, this time looking back down at his book.

"So, you just get it through the noggin' and it's out a' the game?" Dean asked, mimicking a sword in his own head. Nicole rolled her eyes with a smile.

"Doesn't have to be the head. Just as long as you draw enough blood, or hit a vital intestine. Normal things for it to live, and then it's out a' the game." She answered.

"So, about the paralyzed people?"

"Oh, yes. If you make eye contact with a basilisk, then you're paralyzed for the rest of your life. So, try not to make the same awkward eye contact Dean does to women at the bar." She nodded. Dean looked up at her with fake hurt.

"And to think I feed you." He murmured.

"So, we're good to go then?" Sam asked.

"Slow your roll, Indiana Jones. We need more information."

"Dean, since when have you been all about information?" Sam scoffed as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms.

"Ever since Nicole's been out of it for a couple days. She's unstable. We barely know what this thing is, and you're already ready to gank it. That's extreme, Sammy, even for you." Dean answered as he motioned to Nicole.

"Dean Winchester, may I remind you of the first time we met. I saved your bacon even though I was hunting my own mother. I actually enjoy hunting, and I especially enjoy hunting a basilisk. So, this is happening, with or without you boys." She told him as she rested her hands on her hips. Dean looked over at his brother.

"Did she-"

"She did."

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