Alpha [17]

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Dean awoke to the sounds of creaking and female grunting. His eyes peeled open to see Nicole tied up to a wooden chair in front of him. He tried to walk towards her, but found that he was unable to move. His body was sore from hitting the ground so hard, and it took everything out of him to barely even breath.

"Nicole." Dean called, and she looked up at him. Her hazel eyes immediately brightened as she realized she wasn't alone.

"Dean, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have-" Dean cut her off by shushing her quietly. His voice was hoarse, leading him to wonder how long he'd been out.

"This isn't your fault, Cole. Now, listen to me. Did you see anyone or anything on the way to this place?" Dean asked, feeling pressure on his throat. She shook her head and pressed her lips together.

"Ah, the oldest Winchester." A deep voice rung around them. Dean then noticed that they were in a very large metal cage. He tried his best to stand, but ended up wobbling and falling back down.

"Dean, stay down, you're hurt." Nicole told him, not wanting to see him in pain.

"No, I'm fine." He grunted as he used the metal bars to stand up. Nicole debated on arguing with him, but remembered that it was Dean Winchester she was talking to. He was going to help people even if it hurt himself. He stumbled over to the chair Nicole sat in and fumbled with the rope that bound her arms together. Once he finally got them free, Nicole pushed the rope away from her red wrists.

"Are you okay?" Dean asked, reaching for her hands to look at her wounds. She nodded quickly.

"I'm fine." She answered as she untied her legs. She stood up and grabbed the chair, smashing it against the metal bars. A deep voice erupted with laughter.

"Are you angry, little one?" It mocked Nicole, and her fists clenched together.

"Who are you?" She shouted as Dean fell back on the wall next to her.

"You don't know my voice? Charming." It sighed with annoyance.

"Alpha." Dean mumbled. Nicole looked down at him.


"Alpha. He's the alpha of the vampires." He pushed out, coughing up blood afterwards. Nicole leaned down on one knee to pick his head up. He had a deep gash on his chest that was gushing blood, his lip was busted, both his nose and mouth were dripping blood and his eyes were red with purple bags under them.

"Oh, Dean." Nicole cooed as she stared at his injuries. He chuckled.

"Not my worst condition. I'm still beautiful." He joked, but his mouth curved down into a frown.

"Damn straight." She smiled as she ripped a piece of fabric from her shirt to hold up to his nose. Dean chuckled, giving in to her attempts to help him.

"We're getting out of here alive, you hear?" Nicole told him. He looked over at her with a smile and nodded. She went to stand back up, but Dean grabbed her wrist and pulled her back down gently.

"Cole, can I tell you something?" He asked, opening his eyes to look into hers. She nodded, pressing her lips together.

"You're beautiful." He chuckled. She smiled and shook her head, rolling her eyes.

"Thank you." She responded simply before standing back up.

"Wasn't that just wholesome?" The voice mocked the two with a prominent smirk.

"What do you want from us?" Nicole called, extending her arms.

"At first I just wanted you, Nicole, but I wasn't aware you were with the Winchesters. Double bonus. I've been meaning to kill them lately, and you lead us right to them. Thank you." The voice chuckled. Nicole's eyes widened in horror, realizing that she had put both Sam and Dean in danger. The alpha had already gotten her and Dean, does that mean he had Sam too?

Was he already dead?

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