That's Not Him [29]

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Nicole grabbed Dean's arm and gripped him tightly.

"That's not him, Dean." She told him quickly but quietly. Dean flashed her a look of confusion, though he was very aware of the terrified look on her face.

"What car did he drive?"

"A green bug, why?" Dean asked, watching her hazel eyes fill with horror.

"No, no this can't be happening." She mumbled to herself as she hurried over to the front door. She locked the door and looked through the peephole, soon backing up from it in horror.

"He's here. He's back. No, he can't be back." She whispered to herself as she looked at her hands. The rapping on the door continued, but louder and more intense.

"Nicole, what's wrong?" Dean asked as she hurried over to him.

"I left out something about my life the night we killed mom, Dean. I'm sorry, but there's barely any time to explain." She told him quickly.

"Who is that?" Dean asked, reaching for his gun in his pocket.

"He's someone I met as a teenager. One night, I ran from Rufus because I was mad at him. I was tired of the life I was living, and I just wanted a normal one. But I met someone. Him." She told Dean as she pointed at the door.

"Let me in!" A man's voice shouted over Nicole's angrily. Dean gripped his gun, realizing how alert he was.

"He told me I could trust him, but when I went back to his house he tied me in his basement. He... he hurt me." She told him vaguely as her eyes brimmed with tears. Dean's jaw locked up, knowing exactly what she meant.

"I was in his basement for two months before Rufus was able to track me down. He fled the house, but he's been trying to get me ever since. He's dangerous, Dean." She finished as she looked up at him. He recognized the terrified look she couldn't seem to shake.

"Yeah, but guess what?" He asked, tilting his head to the side with a sadistic smile. She paused, then raised an eyebrow in confusion.

"So am I. Especially now that he's threatened my girl." He told her as he loaded his gun. She watched as he made his way to the front door, unlocking it. When it swung open, Nicole recognized him.

"Damien." She muttered, taking in his appearance. He was still very attractive, but his clothes were ripped and muddy. He had scratches and bruises all along his body, and he was bleeding in countless areas. Dean raised his gun to Damien's forehead, grabbing his throat at the same time. He pulled him inside the room, slammed the door, and used all his force to pin Damien against the wall by his throat. Damien gurgled and coughed on the blood that was already in his mouth.

"Who are you!" Dean shouted in a low growl, his face stern. Damien reached up to pull at Dean's hands, but he wasn't strong enough to pull Dean off.

"Answer me, you peice of trash!" Dean snapped angrily as he pulled him off the wall and slammed him against it again.

"My-my name is Damien." He coughed as he tried to pull on Dean's hand again.

"Yeah, I know. Now, tell me something. Who is she?" Dean asked as he nodded his head at Nicole. Damien's eyes met Nicole's.

"Princess.." He mumbled unintentionally. Dean's mind went into full rage mode as he threw Damien over the table. He slid off it and fell to the ground with a loud bang. He had shattered a wooden chair with his land.

"What's her name!" Dean shouted as he approached him. Damien coughed on blood as he pulled a peice of wood out of his leg.

"Nicole!" He shouted back.

"Get up." Dean growled. Damien quickly scrambled off the ground and glanced from Nicole to Dean quickly.

"Let's get something very clear here." Dean snarled as he approached Damien slowly. His gun was back in his pocket now that he knew how weak Damien was.

"You're not going to look at Nicole. You're not going to talk to Nicole. You're not even going to think about Nicole, or I will find you and I will kill you. Do you understand me?" Dean snapped after he kicked Damien against the wall. Damien scrambled back up off the ground and nodded.

"Wh-what are you, her d-dad or something?" Damien stuttered. Dean looked over at Nicole. She was standing next to the bed with a small smile on her face. When he motioned her forward, she made her way to his side swiftly. He wrapped his arm around her waist and rested his hand on her right hip as she faced Damien with an anger filled glare. Nicole stepped forward to get in Damien's face.

"I have delt with you for way too long. Well, guess what? That's over." She snapped before withdrawing her arm and landing a hard punch square in his nose. He moaned in pain as it began to bleed. Nicole grinned at her work. It was a clean break. Dean pulled her back towards him by her waist, planting a soft kiss on the back of her neck.

"Oh, and no, he's not my dad. He's my protector, my pleasure, and my heart. He's my damn boyfriend, idiot." Nicole snarled with a smirk. Dean reached forward and grabbed Damien by the top of his shirt.

"Get out. And If you know what's good for you, you'll keep your mouth shut." Dean growled. Damien nodded quickly and scrambled out of the motel door, slamming it behind him. Nicole laughed as he climbed into his green bug and sped out of the motel parking lot. Dean smiled alongside her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"Thank you, Dean. That felt amazing." She told him softly.

"Of course, beautiful. It's my job to protect you." He answered as he moved her hair with one hand and kissed her on the cheek. She leaned her head back to give him a proper kiss, and he could feel the passion in her movements. She wanted to reward him, but she knew that Sam would be there soon. So, instead, she ran her fingers through his hair and placed soft kisses from his jaw to his neck. He bit his lip, but they both broke apart as a soft knock rang on the front door.

"He's here." Dean mumbled into her ear. She nodded and looked away from him. Dean kissed her right temple before stepping away from Nicole and towards the door, slowly pulling it open. There stood his little brother, his face red and his eyes puffy. He gave Dean a pitiful look before he stepped aside to let Sam in. He slowly entered the house, noticing the broken chair, and then noticing Nicole. She was now sitting on the only bed in the motel. When their eyes met, Sam's heart strained.

"Hey, Sammy." She chuckled lightly. Sam took in her appearance. Her hair was neat and curled, she was wearing one of Dean's shirts and her own pants, and there was blood on her knuckles along with a few drops of blood on her face.

"Who'd you beat the shit out of?" Sam asked as Dean closed the door, trying to strike some friendly conversation. She raised an eyebrow and smirked.

"Depends. Who beat the shit out of you?" She retaliated, making Sam chuckle. He paused to look into her eyes, and she found his. Before Sam knew what was going on, Nicole had wrapped her arms around his neck and pressed her cheek against his chest. He hesitated for a second, but soon wrapped his arms around her.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said." He mumbled as he hugged her tightly. She nodded.

"I know, it's okay. Everything will be okay." She reassured him. He closed his eyes and locked his jaw, hoping that she was right.

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