The Right People [9]

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Once Nicole made her way back to the livingroom, the boys were each individually doing different things. Dean was pacing around the room, Bobby was reading one of the million demon books he owned, and Sam was looking at something on his phone. Nicole took a drink of the signature beer that she took from Bobby's fridge.

"Where'd you get that?" Dean asked as he noticed Nicole's return. She took another drink of it and motioned for him to follow her to the kitchen. His footsteps followed her as she opened the refrigerator. She handed Dean one of the beers that always lingered in Bobby's refrigerator. He popped it open as she shut the fridge door.

"So, if you don't mind me asking, what's up with you and Crowley?"

Nicole sighed, taking a long gulp of her half gone drink.

"I do mind you asking, actually. But I'll tell you because I trust you. Betray that trust, and I will hunt you down." She warned him. He nodded his understanding.

"When Rufus was taking care of me, he started hunting Crowley. One night, Crowley showed up at the house and tortured Rufus as I watched. Crowley then made a promise to me. He said he would be back to get me when I met the right people. He gave me this." She explained as she pulled up her right sleeve. On her arm was a bulging red handprint, which looked like it had previously been burnt.

"I've hated Crowley ever since. It's also the reason I don't like people. I'll never know when the people he was talking about will walk into my life until he shows up again. It's mental torture, even though I haven't seen him in damn near 20 years." Nicole finished, taking another sip of her beer. Dean didn't know how to respond. Him and his brother have been known to have uncomfortably close connections with Crowley. They've worked with and against him, and lately they hadn't been on good terms. They interacted with Crowley more than Dean liked to, and Crowley seemed invested in Sam and Ruby. He didn't have any connections with Dean, but maybe Nicole was the connection he needed?

Maybe Sam and Dean were 'the right people' Crowley told Nicole about all those years ago?

Beer, Sarcasm, and The Job | Dean Winchester x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now