Bobby's Place [8]

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The car was filled with silence as Nicole fiddled with the leather that was wrapped around her shoulders. Dean had given up his jacket to her after it had started pouring rain. The heater in Dean's car hadn't fully kicked in, leaving Dean vulnerable and cold.

"So, what happened?" Sam asked. Nicole set her chin on the front seat of the car, closing her eyes tight.

"It's better left unsaid." Dean responded simply.

"People don't usually bottle things up. It's not healthy." Sam retorted. Dean went to object, but Nicole stopped him by grabbing both of their closest ears to her. They both winced in pain.

"I have a massive headache from mom's screaming. If you two start arguing, you won't live to see the next sunrise." Nicole warned them. They both nodded as best they could, though it was difficult due to the pain of their pinched ears. She let go of them and moved to lay down in the backseat of the car. Dean turned up the radio quietly as his best attempt to help her fall asleep. Luckily for him, she was asleep almost as soon as she got comfortable.


Dean parked the car as Sam jolted awake. He was sweating, and gasping for breath.

"Sammy, you okay?" Dean asked as he placed a hand on his brother's chest to steady him. Sam looked over at him and nodded, before looking back at a still asleep Nicole.

"What do we do about her?"

"I'll take her inside. You go meet Bobby in the livingroom while I set her up upstairs." Dean instructed his brother. He nodded, pulling himself out of the car and shutting the door. Dean climbed out moments after, opening Nicole's door to pick her up. He paused as he noticed her sleeping figure. Despite the mildly uncomfortable leather seats, she had still turned the backseat of his beloved car into a bed. His jacket lay around her shoulders, keeping the exposed skin warm. He slowly moved forward and picked her up in a bridal style position. He closed the door with his knee, carefully carrying Nicole up the steps into Bobby's house. Once he'd stepped inside she curled up closer to him, obviously feeling the air conditioning of the cold house. Dean walked up the long wood steps and into the narrow dark hallway of Bobby's top floor. He stepped inside the guest bedroom and set her down on the soft bed. She turned on her side, facing away from him and curling down deeper into his leather jacket. He couldn't help but smile, but jumped slightly as Sam poked his shoulder.

"Jesus!" He snapped in a whisper. Sam shook his head.

"Nope. Just your brother." He smiled slyly. Dean rolled his eyes.

"Bobby wants to see you downstairs. Something about finding something out about Crowley." Sam told his brother. He nodded, and followed Sam out of the room. Nicole's eyes shot open, hearing the name of the demon that tried to kill the only dad she had as a kid. She jumped out of the bed, tying Dean's jacket around her waist. She stepped lightly as she hurried down the stairs. She pushed Sam and Dean out of her way, almost making Dean fall down the stairs in the process.


She kept going, making a straight shot for the front door.

"Boys, are you okay?" Bobby called. She stopped dead in her tracks, turning towards the boys.

"Bobby?" She asked. The old man grumbled something, but Nicole couldn't hear it.

"Wait, where are we?" She asked as she walked over to the staircase.

"Bobby's, duh." Sam answered, crossing his arms. Her eyes lit up.

"Cole!" Bobby called from what Nicole assumed was the livingroom. She rushed out of the room towards the sound, soon coming in contact with the old man.

"Bobby!" She giggled. He smiled and embraced her in a hug as she smiled too.

"Where have you been, kid." Bobby scolded playfully. She chuckled as she pulled away.

"Just about everywhere. I run around nowadays, never in one place for long." She shrugged. Bobby scoffed as the Winchester boys made their way into the room. Bobby looked down at the leather hanging around Nicole's waist as she turned to look at the boys.

"Nicole Lyn Smith." Bobby drew out her name as he crossed his arms. Nicole turned back towards him.

"Uh oh, what's with the entire name thing?" She asked, crossing her arms too.

"Is that Dean Winchester's jacket?" Bobby asked as he pointed down at her waist. Nicole looked down, scrambling to take it off.

"Ew." She answered as she threw it back at the oldest Winchester boy. Sam chuckled alongside Bobby. Dean rolled his eyes, followed by Nicole's fake punch at Bobby.

"So, you needed to talk about Crowley?" Dean asked. Nicole's jaw locked up, but she was able to keep her hand loose.

"Yeah. Sam told me about what Crowley said about him not being able to pull Ruby from Hell. He lied." He told the three.

"Wait, Ruby the demon that was feeding Sam her blood?" Nicole asked as she shifted so she was facing all three of the men in the room.

"How do you know about that?"

"Sammy, everyone knows about that. It's basically the equivalent of asking if you know God." She folded her arms as she responded. Dean smirked.

"I thought Ruby was dead. You two killed her, right?" Nicole asked as she looked over at the Winchester brothers.

"Yeah, but recently Sammy here has been having some disturbing dreams about our favorite demon. We're thinking someone wants to drag her back to the middle level. Joyous times." Dean smiled sarcastically. She chuckled.

"Anyway, Crowley said that because he was bringing her back. He plans on using her against Sam." Bobby explained.


"I have no clue. That's all I could dig up, but I'm working to find the rest. Meanwhile, you three should lean back and relax until I can find something else. Especially you, Cole." Bobby pointed at Nicole as he spoke her name. Her eyebrows raised.

"What? Why, I'm fine." Nicole answered, trying to sound as convincing as she could. Sam and Dean both flashed her a doubtful look.

"You just had to watch your mom die. Again. Now with everything happening with Crowley-" Bobby began to speak. She cut him off as she held her hand up.

"You promised you wouldn't say anything about that again, Robert." She snapped. Dean glanced over Sam, and his brother returned the look of confusion. Neither of them dared to say anything, however. Bobby didn't dare retaliate against Nicole, either.

"I'm going to find alcohol." Nicole announced. She left the room towards the kitchen without another word to the boys.

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