Mended [30]

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Nicole stepped out of the Impala and shut the creaky door behind her, Sam and Dean followed in suit.

"So, what are we thinking?" Sam asked as he made his way around the car to stand next to Nicole.

"Vampire?" Nicole asked, glancing from Sam to Dean.

"No, there would have been bite marks. Maybe demon?" Sam suggested.

"Well, let's go find out." Dean winked to the two before he began towards the big crowd of people that blocked a crime scene. Nicole and Sam glanced at each other unamused before they followed him. As they approached the yellow caution tape, a police officer held his hand out to stop them.

"We're here for the investigation." Nicole told him as the three held out their fake badges. The man glanced at her warily before narrowing his eyes.

"What's a woman like you doing on the Fed's team." He asked. Both the brother's mood shifted to confusion and anger. Nicole couldn't believe he had said something so sexist.

"Saving lives and solving cases, just like you should be." She snarled back. She snapped the caution in tape in half before motioning for both the boys as she walked towards the bloody dead body. Sam moved to follow her, but Dean stopped momentarily. He looked the man in the eyes before spitting next to his shoe.

"Watch it, bud." He snarled before following his brother and girlfriend. The man grumbled something before fixing the cation tape.

"What happened with this one?" Sam asked the officer that kneeled next to the dead body. Nicole crossed her arms as he looked up at them.

"Who are you guys?" He asked as Dean walked up behind Nicole.

"FBI, now, can we figure out what happened here or are we going to waste time?" Dean told him harshly. The man stood up with a grunt.

"It looks like a wild animal, a coyote maybe?" He suggested as Nicole's eyes trailed to the dead body. His lower torso had been ripped off, laying merely inches away from the top half. There was a pool of blood staining the area around his heart, which looked like it had been ripped out, but Nicole couldn't tell for sure.

"Autopsy report?"

"Legs detached and he had been dead for almost a week before he was dumped here. The weirdest thing about it was that-"

"His heart was ripped out?" Sam finished the man's sentence, making him pause.

"Yeah? How'd you know?"

"I looked at the body. I think we're done here." Sam told him before nudging Nicole. She looked down at the body again before her eyes caught a blue pattern on the neck. It was hidden behind a bloody green V-neck sweater. She kneeled down and moved the fabric of the sweater before moving it back. Dean looked down at her and nudged her arm.

"You ready?" He asked. She hurried back to her feet and nodded before grabbing both the boys and started towards the Impala.

"Woah, hey, what's up?" Sam asked her as he tried to loosen her grip on his suit. She only tightened her fist and walked faster. She stepped on the new caution tape, breaking it as she pushed the boys towards the Impala. The officer grunted angrily at her. Once they were out of the crowd and alone, Dean stopped her from walking.

"Cole, what's going on?" He asked as he broke free from her grip.

"It's a Djinn. It tried to cover up it's meal as it being a werewolf, but there were markings on it's neck." She told them both. Sam's face fell.

"If it's smart enough to cover up it's attack, then we're going to have a rough hunt." Sam sighed. Dean looked like he was taking in the information.

"Sam, the last time we dealed with a Djinn, I almost died. So, we're dealing with something more advanced?" Dean asked his brother as he pointed towards the dead body. Nicole bit her lip before meeting Dean's eyes. They were cloudy, but she could still make out their natural green color. Sam sighed heavily and crossed his arms, looking conflicted.

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