chapter 36

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Ashton's P.O.V.

'' I really have to go back to class .'' she said .

'' Oh come one stay here , mr. Wilson wont mind '' I said placing my hands on her waist .'' Besides the period ends in five .'' I added and she nodded . I just smiled at her and she smiled back at me . '' Did you like the photo ?'' I asked .

'' I placed it in the frame .'' she said .'' Thank you .'' she added . '' Margaret told me something that day , you know .'' she said .

'' Yeah , what ?'' I asked .

''That I was the first girl that you had brought there .'' she said slightly blushing .

'' Well , she was not lying .'' I said smiling , before kissing her . The bell rung and the hallway filled with students . We both walked to the cafeteria to find Michael . Chris looked a bit hesitant to enter , but I took her hand in mine and guided us in . ''Dont worry , you are with me .'' I told her and softly squeezed her hand while we walked towards an empty table . I know that people were watching us , but I dont care . The only things that matters right now is certainly not what people think of us . We both sat at the table .

'' People are watching us like we are aliens .'' she said .

'' Let them watch Chris . '' I said . Suddenly someone approached our table . I looked up to see Ashley . I sighed getting tired of her .

'' I see you are hanging out with the garbidge bin now .'' she said laughing .

''We are actually together .'' I said proudly and Ashley started laughing harder .

'' Look , he is going to f*ck you  and then dump you . That's what he does , honey . If I were you , I wouldnt expect this to last more than a week .'' she said to Chris , as I felt my blood boiling .

'' Can you just leave ? You are disturbing us .'' I said getting up from my seat .I saw Michael from afar coming towards us and a small smirk formed on my face .

'' What have I told you ?'' he said to Ashley , who looked shocked .Michael looked over at us and winked .  She opened her mouth to say something , but Michael cut her off .'' I told you not to approach Chris ever again . Why are you here then? Huh ?'' he asked raising his eyebrow and I looked over at Chris who tried really hard not to , at least , smile . 

'' I was leaving . " she mumbled as she got away from us .As soon as she left we all started laughing . Chris though looked a bit uncomfortable.

" You didn't believe her , did you ?" I said ." That is not my intention ." I added and she nodded. I guess we have to take baby steps with our relationship . I have to gain her trust .

" So are you guys a couple now ?" Michael asked .

" Yes , we are .'' I said placing my hand on top of hers . She just smiled blushing .

" Look at her . She is blushing ." Michael said pointing at Chris's face . I looked over at her and kissed her cheek , which made her blush even harder . " You guys are cute ." he added .

" Thank you . I guess . " Chris answered slightly laughing at Michael's remark. " So tomorrow is the trip to the planetarium. " she said and we nodded . " Aren't you excited ?" she asked in a happy tone.

" You are such a nerd ." Michael said rubbing her head .

" Oh come one . It will be so cool. We will have so much fun . We will see all these cool stuff and learn so many things. " she said clearly excited .

" I heard that later they will take us to the mall ." I said .

" Thank god ." Michael said and Chris glared at him . I laughed enjoying the company of my friend and my girlfriend .


I am so sorry that this is short , but I have a stiff neck and it is really difficult to write while having your head tilted on the right , but I wanted to update , because you passed 210k!!!! Thank you all so much for your birthday wishes !! You guys make my day . Right now , I am obssesed with Crown the Empire , you should definetely search them up ( I will put a vid on the side , if you want to see ). If you have any good bands to recommend , feel free to . I would love to hear your suggestions .

Also , congratulations to my friend @araiefajardo for reaching 2k on her Liam Payne ff ( which btw is really well written and you should check it out :) )

And if someone of you wants a shoutout feel free to ask !! 

Love ya , bye 


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