Chapter 1

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*third Person pov.*

Mumbo was at his base working on Redstone as doc flew down to him in slight Panic. Mumbo Looks at him confused and went up to him and asked what was wrong. He took a few seconds to catch his breath and looked at him straight in the eye. "It's About Grian..". Mumbo starts to Panic and gets quite mad. "What do you mean?! Is he hurt?! Dead?!". Doc staid quiet for abit before answering, "we don't know...him and the other 'hippies' took the Timemashine and dissapeared...we were distracted by them launching a van into our mountain and planting Flowers everywhere..". Mumbo starts to freaked out even more. They were together for for afew years now. He was scared he lost him forever and Tears swelled up in his eyes as quiet sobs turned to loud crying. Doc tensed and huged, comforted him promising everything will be ok. Doc can be mean but can also be a Sweetheart at times when someone Needs him. Mumbo didn't believe him one bit but just hoped he was Right.

~Time skip 3 days~

Mumbo was pacing back and forth. Grian was gone for 3 days now and doc said he shouldn't be gone for longer then an hour or two. This stressed him out alot while also being worried About where he was or if he would be dead or alive or if he was hurt or fine. No one knew and mumbo had stoped working on Projects and stayed in bed all day Long. Doc was in Area 77 trying to figure out how to make a Timemashine to go lokking for them, but ofcourse he couldn't figure it out and got very frustrated and started to loose hope on doing this 'stupid' mashine and sighed deeply "It's hopeless...this is all my fault.." he Tears up Abit whiping the Tears away quickly. He needed to continue trying though so he could save the 3 'hippies'. He was scared to tell X knowing what happened last time someone went missing. He shook his head not wanring to think About it and continued trying.

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