Chapter 3

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*Grian's Pov*

~back in time~

Me ren and impulse got the time mashine back..but we traveled..too far, we are in alpha?! Oh my word no! This can't be happening! I don't want to be here again! I..i don't wnat to get reminded of..evo..taurtis..I sigh as i look around, there was a huge crater where the time mashine should be..ofcourse the time mashine is gone..those blocks didn't exists back then..i saw ren and impulse sitting up rubbing their heads looking around confused. I guess we have to build the time mashine again..i don't know how and and from what but we will have to figure it out.
Days flew by..and the days turned into a week..then into two weeks..then three..
I miss home. I miss mumbo. I just want to be in his arms again, i hope he is fine. I hope he didn't notice me gone. Oh who am i kidding ofcourse he knows he is overprotective at all time! He must be worried sick! I feel bad for him i wish i could just tell him everything will be ok.
I look up into the sky, and reverse our progress. We have built the worst house ever, the time mashine only needs one more damn diamond..and...
I trail off as i look into the distance..i see..herobrine? Wait..what?
I try to call the boys but it was no use they were underground.
He saw me. oh god he noticed me.
He dissapeared? Like an ender man he just dissapeared!
I hope this isn't anything serious.
Insaw the boys running up to me smiling brightly
"We got it!" I heat impulse screaming and i smile in reliefe
"Finally we can go home!" I stated. Yes. Finally home.
I finished the time mashine and it brought us back. Gish how i missed this
"Lets never do this again and blow it up!" Ren screamed
I laugh and agreed and before we blew it up we took the diamond block and shared it between each other.
The explosion was loud and we heard someone coming over.
I look who it was and saw a creeper hybrid standing there with tears in his eyes.

(This is it for now again! I'll see you guys next time bai!!)

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