Chapter 2

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*third pov*

~3 weeks later~

Mumbo was a crying mess anf started looosing hope that they will ever come back. He screamed at Doc alot blaming him for everythunf. Doc wasn't mad at mumbo for it though. He would have done the same Thing if his Lover was suddenly gone. One day Mumbo flew to Sahara and walked threw the Building remebering all the Memorys he had with grian there and sighs shackly. He was wearking one of Frians Sweater, even tho it was way too short. That's why he just carried it around instead of actually wearing it. After a while of sitting aorund in the Meeting room on Grians Chair he went to grians base and cruels up on his bed and started crying uncontrollably again. He just couldn't believe Grian had been missing for 3 weeks already.                                              At The Area 77 Base was stuff going on like still cleaing up the mess the 3 Hippies left behind. Doc sighed before Hearing an explotion and asked himself in his mind "was that TNT or a creeper? Welp better check it out." He started Walking to the spot where he heard the explotion, and what he saw shocked him and Tears up.

(short story cuz i can and i wanted a cliffhanger XD sorry! seeya!)

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