Chapter 4

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*third pov*

Doc ran over and tackle hugs grian and he hugs back. After afew seconds he tightly huged the other two hermits too. Soon enough everyone was assembled for a meeting that they were back and that no one will ever touch a time mashine again. Everyone was there except mumbo, which scared grian alot. He just wanted to be with mumbo right now but he had no idea where he was so he shyly went to Xisuma and tugged on his shirt. X looked down to the small hermit and smiles under his mask "yes, grian?" He asked him curiously.
"Do you know where mumbo is?.." grian asked in a shy soft and quiet tone.
"Ah yes he is in your base, he really misses you"
"Thanks X!" Cheered grian before flying off to his base to get to mumbo as fast as possible.
As he arrived he looked everywhere for mumbo. He heard faint sobs and quickly ran to the voice. He saw mumbo on the ground sobbing hugging one of Girans sweaters.
"Mumbo!" Yelled grian running over. Mumbo looked up and couldn't believe what he saw. Grian tackle hugs him as they both hugged each other tightly not ever wanting to let go.

But everything comes to an end one day.

(Welp, short chapter but i think i nailed it :'D another chapter coming soon~)

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