Chapter 14

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((this may be the last/second chapter in season 6 which also means i have some interesting or dissapointing news when this story will reach season 7 :/ and please bear with me i'm trying not to use too much inappropriate language in my books anymore :')

3rd pov*
Mumbo growls "YOU! I DON'T WANT TO SEE YOU ISKALL! YOU RUINED MINE AND GRIANS RELATION SHIP! WTF IS WRONG WITH YOU!?" Iskall was taken back from this and sighed sadly "mumbo listen i didn't mean to ruin anything..we can fix this..please.." Mumbo sniffs and looked down "he was my everything..and now he's mad at me..i just didn't want him to worry!" Iskall slowly went down on his knees infront of him "mumbo..everything is ok...we can fix it.." he hugs him tight. Mumbo jumped abit by the sudden movement Iskall made and starts being a crying mess holding onto him for dear life gripping onto him. Mumbo really wished that they could fix this. He really hoped they can all be happy again with no care in the world.
will that ever happen tho?
Probably not.
Mumbo didn't really have hope in that thought of that 'happy ever after' at the moment. he hung his head low and just whispered a quiet thank you.
Then everything went dark for him.
Iskalls pov*
Mumbo passed out from tiredness...this is all my fault that we 3 are in this stupid mess..i should have never confessed. But he pressured me. We really need to talk, all 3 of us. We need to figure this out quick before everything will fall apart.
~Next day~
3rd pov*
Iskall called grian and mumbo to a meeting. It was awefully quiet and very awkward. Iskall looked at them both before standing up "Guys, we need to talk. I don't like this 'drama'we created..please..lets just forget about whay happened I don't want to loose you both and i don't want to break you both up." He sat down again avoiding eye contact. Grian leaned back, arms crossed "We can't just ignore what happened, i know i overreacted yetserday but i am still very upset that my bf is keeping secrets from me while i plah with open cards." Iskall nodded understanding his statement.
Mumbo looked at grian sadly "gri..please..i'm sorry..i promise there are no other secrets.."
grian tears up "that's a lie and you know it."
Mumbo went quiet. Yes he had a secret. But grian had the same secret.
Iskall looked ta them confused "you guys know something i don't..what's going on?"
grian sighed "I see how mumbo looks at you iskall he looks at both of us the same way.."
Iskalls eyes widden and looked ta mumbo. Mumbo quickly stopp up "Don't even start with that grian! you both flirt all the damn time!" Grian also stood up "why the HELL are you screaming at me?! you're not better when you look at him like that!"
iskall stood up and slammed his hands down "ENOUGH! YOU BOTH CLEARLY LOVE EACH OTHER also both got a crush on me.." he said blushing alot while tearing up from all this stress and arguring that's going on rn. Grian and Mumbo both went quiet and stared at each other before looking down.
Iskall sighed "guys..i know this is new and probably really about we start it slow?..and steady?" Mumbo looked at iskall and smiles abit "how about i take you both on a date?..we can do it in a week after we all calmed down from this.."
Grians smiles liking the idea "yeah..lets not see each other for a week to think abouth everything thay happened the past few days..then we can discuss further actions"
they all agreed on that and left the neeting in good terms.
Iskalls pov*
i am so reliefed rn..i can't believe we actually worked in out. I flew to my base and laid down in bed and started thinking.
Grians pov*
I lett the meeting and i was actually really calm and relaxed. Finally this whole thing is over. I need some alone time now. I flew over to the hippy camp that me and ren abonded and laid down in the grass just looking at the clouds for a while.
Mumbos pov*
I was flying. I don't know where i amd flying but i am just flying. I need to go away. Far away. I am very happy the drama is over. But i need some time away from everyone. just go on a walk, hiking, anything at this point. I just need to clear my mind. so i just go and do my hobbys now for afew days before flying back. I landed somewhere in a forest and began my adventure.

((damit 800 but hey i'll leave it to this since i love the ending rn :) Thank you evryone for being so wholesome and supporting me and being respectful to each other. I love you all have a good day or night everyone. And remember you are being loved. Take care~ ❤✌🏻

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