Life After Death

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Hello everyone! Welcome to a new story! Now if some of you are here from Noble Freelancer, I welcome you to a new beginning! If some of you are new to my page in general I also welcome you! I know that sometimes when it comes to updating I can be somewhat unreliable but I just want you all to know that I will be doing my best to ensure that I keep this updated and keep this book alive and healthy! I plan on implementing new plots to the Red vs Blue story and also giving a more detailed back story and scenes that were not in Noble Freelancer! I also plan on keeping what was liked about Noble Freelancer while perfecting what was wrong with it! That being said this story has a new and different plot to it! So feel free to read from the beginning to see what is different! There will be no Reach introduction for if you are here reading this I would hope that you had played and finished the story for Halo Reach, thus you know how it ends! So without any further wait! Let us begin!


It did not take long for Reach to fall, our enemy was ruthless, efficient, but they weren't nearly fast enough. For you had already passed the torch. . .

It was just black, there was no light nor was there any sound. His body felt as if it was submerged into water. A deep black pit of water that seemed to have no bottom or no top. Yet despite this feeling he felt okay. He could breath, he was not panicked or gasping for air. He was just. . .okay. But there was another feeling there, something pulling at the back of his mind as he floated aimlessly in nothing. 

Where was he? How had he gotten there? Was everyone okay? There were so many questions, yet he was alone here. There was no one here to pull him back up once he had fallen within this pit. There was no one to tell him to stand back on his feet or keep pressing. He was just here. Alone. . .once again. 

It didn't used to be like this, he had people, he had teammates that he began to lean on. Soldiers that he trusted with his life. Family that he began to relax around and finally feel apart of something more than just himself. Yet now, this was all he had left. Black, nothing, empty. Then again, there was this continuous pull at the back of his mind. Like a voice that he couldn't focus on but knew it was there. 

His hand raised in front of his face as he reached to grab whatever was in front of him. Whoever was in front of him. What could it be? He kept reaching and reaching before finally light shined in between his fingers. There was no end to be seen but it looked as if it was right there. He just had to keep going. The more he reached, the more he went towards a light, the less the black was around him, the less he felt submerged in water. 

"You aren't done yet, Number Six. Time to get up." 

A voice, someone he knew so well. Someone he had come to rely on, someone he wanted to save during the battle. But someone he knew wanted to protect the planet he had grown up on. He knew that there was no other person on that planet that loved it more than he did. He wanted to die protecting it, even if in the end it matter little. He was telling him to stand up, telling him to fight. All he had to do was keep reaching. 

Finally his eyes opened, there was no blackness anymore, there was no voice. Just what laid above him. Right now it was a shiny white ceiling, a simple light fixture flush with the rest of the ceiling panels. Slowly sitting up he could feel the cloth of the blanket around his legs. The softness of the bed underneath his body. Yet as he moved to sit up straight his body reacted, shooting a sore pain through out his core. 

Reaching to hold his pained center he would look down to see the bandages that were wrapped around his chest. The soldier had no armor, no weapons, just a simple pair of pants that did well to keep him warm and cover him. Yet there was no shirt, making sure to keep the bandages accessible. From what it looked like there was no more bleeding. All clean and white, tightly wrapped around him to support his chest and sore areas. 

Covered In Black Ink: A Red vs Blue CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now