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The hero of Mobius was in the Emerald Floral Garden sitting on a bench. He was surrounded by couples sharing their love for each other. When he saw each one, his feeling of emptiness got more intense. He watched a couple share a loving kiss and imagined himself in such a fantasy.

'Sometimes I wish I wasn't the world most loved hero. Then I wouldn't be so worried about everyone finding out that I'm gay. Is is so hard to ask for a decent guy to love me and expect me for me?' Sonic thought.

He checked his clock on his wrist and saw it was 4 o'clock in the afternoon.

"I guess I should go on one more patrol before I head home." Sonic said and ran out of the garden.

As Sonic patrolled the city, he noticed a bill board that was advertising a new app. 'I've got time.' He thought and stopped to read the billboard. It reads:

"Ready to find that special someone? Download the new matching app: Secret Soulmate!!!!
This app matches each profile with a potential match! No filters, no photos, no immediate dates, just online chatting until each couple is ready to meet at our special gathering every few months to meet your soulmate! AVAILABLE TODAY!!!"

After Sonic was done reading the board, he made his way home. After he got there he saw Tails watching TV in the living room.

"Hey Sonic! How was your run?" Tails asked.

"It was fine, I even sat in the Floral Garden for awhile. But while I was patrolling, I read an advertisement." Sonic explained.

"Was it about that Secret Soulmate thing?" Tails asked.

"Yeah, how'd you know?" Sonic asked.

"Cause it's all over the news and in almost every commercial! Also everyone's posting about it on social media." Tails answered.

"Wow, I only just found out about it." Sonic said.

"Does that your gonna try it? I know you've been wanting to start dating for awhile." Tails asked.

"Maybe, I just don't want Amy finding out about it. Then she'll go psycho on me." Sonic said.

"She probably would, But from what I've read about the app, they keep your real identity hidden until their 'special gathering event'. So you should be safe."

"Okay okay, I'll give it a try. I'll let you know if I get a match."

"Good luck Sonic, hope you meet someone." Tails said.

"Thanks little buddy." Sonic thanked.

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